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The example of use GICO3 packages

The correlation process using the GICO3 packages are shown with simple schedule file and dummy raw-files. If you did not install the gico3-packages, please install them. if your system does not have gnuplot, please install them too (fringe program needs gnuplot for creating 2D graphics).

-- First Step --

You need download the correlation schedule file sample.sc and create four dummy raw-files as follows.

raw_dummy --epoch="2007/001 00:00:00" --station=Station-01 --block=32000000 --length=8

raw_dummy --epoch="2007/001 00:00:00" --station=Station-02 --block=32000000 --length=8

raw_dummy --epoch="2007/001 00:00:00" --station=Station-03 --block=32000000 --length=8

raw_dummy --epoch="2007/001 00:00:00" --station=Station-04 --block=32000000 --length=8

When raw_dummy command was finished normally, you got four raw-files each file size was 1024000000 bytes in the current directory.

-- Second Step --

Correlation processing is started by the following commands.

gico3_corr --schedule=sample.sc --raw=./ --cor=./

When processing was finished, six cor-files are created in the current directory. If you work on multi core processors machine, you can work gico3_corr faster using "--multi=nn" option (please see the output of the "gico3_corr --help")

-- Last Step --

The fringe command is used for looking of the two-dimensional fringe search result. one post-script file will be generated when fringe command worked as follows command:

fringe --cor=Station-01_Station-01_2007001000000_CH01.cor --length=80

Sample pdf file converted from postscript file generated by fringe is down load from here.

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Last modified: Thu Sep 6 14:34:39 JST 2007