題名: Strawman VSI-S spec 日時: 01/02/14 0:28:39 東京 (標準時) From: awhitney@haystack.mit.edu (Alan R. Whitney) To: wayne@sgl.crestech.ca (Wayne Cannon), bcarlson@sol.drao.nrc.ca (Brent Carlson), dferris@atnf.csiro.au (Dick Ferris), p062gra@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de (Dave Graham), kawagu@hotaka.mtk.nao.ac.jp (Nori Kawaguchi), kondo@crl.go.jp (Tetsuro Kondo), svp@jive.nfra.nl (Sergei Pogrebenko), mpopov@asc.rssi.ru (Misha Popov), jromney@nrao.edu (Jon Romney), res@jb.man.ac.uk (Ralph Spencer), awhitney@haystack.mit.edu (Alan Whitney) CC: wha@haystack.mit.edu 添付ファイル:VSI-S-1.pdf (128012バイト) Gentlemen, At long last, and after some gentle prodding from several VSI committee members, I have put together a VSI-S strawman proposal, which is attached for your consideration. I expect that we will also eventually need to review this document with software types like Ed Himwich and Ari Mujinen (other suggestions?), but I would like you guys to take first crack at it since you are already intimately familiar with the VSI-H specification and so pretty clearly understand the functional requirements for VSI-S. Like I said, this is a strawman, so feel free to tear it apart (with constructive criticism, of course :). The whole thing is really pretty simple minded since that is the way I think, but I think simple has some definite virtues. I have tried to make it as complete and coherent as possible so that we have a pretty good view of the entire picture from the start. Undoubtedly there are errors, omissions, and lapses in sound judgement on my part, but it is a start. I'd appreciate if you can respond with any comments by the end of this month (February) so that we can put this thing on a fast track. Regards, Alan