1Run *****-2153
 Analysis center: GSI -- Geographical Survey Institute
 Analyst:         GSI VLBI analysis user ( prog(AT)hayabusa )
 Machine:         hayabusa  i686  Linux 2.6.18-53.1.6.el5.centos.plus
 Executables:     /opt/solve/mk5/bin
 Solve initials:  SK
 Spool format:    Revision date 2003.08.20
 Local time:      2008.02.22-06:53:58
 Correlator type: MK3
 Mark-3 db_name:

 Data base $08FEB21XB Ver  2

 Matrix Condition Number =   5.390662296778476E+02

 Solve_release:    2007.10.04
 Solve_revision:   2007.12.06

  Flyby Station Cals:    DB Station Cals:              | DB Non-station Cals: | Atmosphere Partial:
    ONSALA60:NMFDRFLY    cable                         | Pol Tide             | NMFWTFLY              
    TSUKUB32:NMFDRFLY    cable                         | WobXCont             |                       
                                                       | WobYCont             |                       
                                                       | EarthTid             |                       
                                                       | Ocean                |                       
                                                       | PTideOld             |                       
 CALC Version:  10.0   SOLVE release: 2007.10.04  SOLVE revision: 2007.12.06  
 Fast_mode: None                                                              

          $08FEB21SB  2  NOT IN SOLUTION

  Met Statistics:
                    Temperature      Pressure        Humidity
   Station         average   rms   average   rms   average   rms
   ONSALA60  MET     20.0     0.0  1013.0     0.0    50.0     0.0
   TSUKUB32  MET      0.2     0.1  1018.6     0.1    74.0     0.0

 Run *****-2153           37 Observation Pairs Available 
 Session started on:    2454518.361100   2008.02.21 20:39:59.040  UTC
 Nominal duration:       3421.440  sec           00 00:57:01.440  sec
 Solution type: G-Gxs combination    

 Data Type     Number of   Weighted RMS    Normalized RMS   Chi Square
             Observations    Residual         Residual      (precis)
   Delay       34             20.359 ps              1.35       2.1996
   Rate         0                167 fs/s            4.08      20.1956
Combined       34                                    1.35       2.1996
 CRES mode:                                    POST03                   
 Suppression method in use:                    SUPMET__COMB1            
 Used quality_code_limit:                                  5            
 Number of potentially recoverable observations:          34            
 Number of potentially good observations with QC 5-9:     34            
 Number of used observations:                             34  (100.00%) 
 Number of suppressed observations:                        0  (  0.00%) 

 Baseline Statistics 
      Baseline      # W.Obs   W.RMS Del   N.R.D.   N.R.D. W.RMS Rate   N.R.R.  D.RW   R.RW 
                  used/recov     ps     standard ( 15ps+i)  fs/s                ps    fs/s  

 ONSALA60-TSUKUB32  34/  34      20       1.35      0.98     167        4.08      0      0

 Source Statistics 
 Let   Source      #use #rec #tot     wrms (ps)
   A   0059+581      2/   2/   2/       53.435
   B   0133+476      1/   1/   1/        4.730
   C   0602+673      0/   0/   1/        0.000
   D   0718+793      1/   1/   1/       10.619
   E   0749+540      1/   1/   1/       31.823
   F   0804+499      4/   4/   4/       77.557
   G   4C39.25       6/   6/   6/       13.741
   H   0955+476      4/   4/   4/       28.824
   I   1044+719      2/   2/   2/       28.735
   J   1053+815      1/   1/   1/       56.774
   K   1128+385      1/   1/   1/       10.186
   L   1156+295      2/   2/   2/       21.739
   M   1300+580      2/   2/   2/       23.909
   N   1357+769      1/   1/   1/       24.071
   O   1417+385      0/   0/   2/        0.000
   P   NRAO512       3/   3/   3/       20.250
   Q   1739+522      3/   3/   3/       23.299

                       *** Flyby Status ***

                    directory: /opt/solve/saved/

Station   Source    Nutation  Nutation  Earth     Earth     Station   Pressure  EOP Intp. EOP Intp. High Freq Axis      
Positions Positions Model     Time      Rotation  Rotation  Velocity  Loading   Smoothing Smoothing EOP       Offset    
                              Series    Series    Interpol. Model               CALC      Mod File  Model     Mod File  
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
itrf2005s icrf-ext1 NONE      NONE      NONE      C. Spline itrf2005v NONE      NO_ZONAL  N/A       jmg96.hf  glo.axis 

Site Plate Map: /opt/solve/saved//sitpl.dat           

 Parameter adjustments for run *****-2153 User=SK
                                        Parameter               Adjustment              a-sigma              m-sigma
    1. ONSALA60 CL 0 08/02/21 20:39                          -21569.751 ns              0.018 ns              0.027 ns
    2. ONSALA60 CL 1 08/02/21 20:39                             -61.526 D-14            0.927 D-14            1.375 D-14
    3. ONSALA60 CL 2 08/02/21 20:39                              -5.700 D-14/day       23.565 D-14/day       34.950 D-14/day
    4. ONSALA60 AT 0 08/02/21 20:39                             283.696 ps                4.844 ps                7.184 ps
       ONSALA60 Avg Atm:   283.696 ps
      TSUKUB32 CLCK  8/02/21020:390Reference
    5. TSUKUB32 AT 0 08/02/21 20:39                             140.396 ps                2.035 ps                3.018 ps
       TSUKUB32 Avg Atm:   140.396 ps
 Atmosphere Constraint Statistics - NONE

 Clock Constraint Statistics - NONE

    6. UT1-TAI   0,  08/02/21 21:08   -33324.3321  msec    -149.66 microsec        6.88 microsec       10.21 microsec
 EOP with included hi-freq variations  (a-sigmas)  
                      XWOB          YWOB          UT1-TAI          XSIG         YSIG         USIG
                       mas           mas            ms           microasec    microasec    microsec
08/02/21 21:08        0.0000         0.0000    -33324.3160          0.00         0.00         6.88

 EOP epoch (TDT)  MJD: 54517.880556
  No constraints have been imposed