                          Automated ultra-rapid UT1 estimation                          
                                  developed by NICT                                     
                         Contact: T.Hobiger (hobiger(AT)nict.go.jp)                        
Start of analysis:   2008年  2月 22日 Friday 09:05:16 JST
first observation:   2008 day  52 at 23: 0:15 (UTC)   2008.14469537    54517.95926 (mjd)
last  observation:   2008 day  53 at  0: 1:35 (UTC)   2008.14481175    54518.00185 (mjd)
EOP reference epoch:     54517.98056 [mjd]
 apr Off [us]   est Off [us]   EOP Off [us]   Sigma   DTime  No Obs  No Dwn  Constr
   -324521.5           23.8      -324497.7     15.0    1.02      41      41    0.00
Finish of analysis:  2008年  2月 22日 Friday 09:05:35 JST