第2回 KARC コロキウムのご案内

第2回 KARC コロキウムは終了しました。ご参加ありがとうございました。

● 日時  2001年9月4日(火) 14:00〜16:00

● 会場  KARC第1研究棟2階 小会議室
       〒651-2492 神戸市西区岩岡町岩岡588-2

● 講演  The Robot Experiments on the Embodied Cognition

        谷 淳 (理化学研究所 脳科学総合研究センター動的認知行動研究室 チームリーダ)    

In this talk, I will discuss how the equivalences of symbolic systems could be self-organized in the neural dynamical systems by utilizing the sensori-motor experiences of the systems. We will show how modular and level structures can be self-organized in a specific neural network model which enables robots to recognize their environment as articulated in multiple levels. We will explain both situations of grounding and ungrounding of such "symbolic structures" to the physical environment in the cognitive behavior of the robots in terms of coherence and incoherence which are taken place in the bottom-up and the top-down interactions between the environment and the internal systems. We argue that both situations are indispensable in order to guarantee the robots to be robust and adaptive simultaneously in the open-environment. I will discuss possible correspondences of our modeling and experimental results to works by Kawato and Tanji focusing on functions of cerebellum and pre-SMC respectively. In addition, we will show our reinterpretations of phenomenological issues including the "momentary self" of William James and the "subjective time" of Husserl.





●担当者: 関西先端研究センター 柳田結集型特別グループ 村田・西面