The065th KARC Colloquium

The065th KARC Colloquium was ended. Thank you for the participation.

Date&Time Wednesday August 3, 2005 13:30~14:30
Place Seminer Room, 3F, Research Building 4, KARC
Lecturer "Coherent transport and concentration of particles in optical traps using variyng transverse beam profiles"
Speaker Dr. Ole Steuernagel
(University of Hertfordshire, Senior Lecturer)
Abstract Tailored time-dependent variations of the transverse profile together with longitudinal phase shifts of laser beams are studied. It is shown theoretically that a standing wave setup and real-time beam forming techniques (e.g. by computer-addressed holograms) should make it possible to implement smooth transport across and along the beams employed in optical trapping schemes. Novel modes for the efficient collection, transport, and concentration of trapped particles should thus become realizable in optical trapping setups. Some recent experimental results are shown as well.
Language English
Admission Free
Organizer Pyuzo Ohmukai
Advanced Laser Science Group,Kansai Advanced Research Center,National Institute of Information and Communications Technology