The 87th KARC Colloquium

The 87th KARC Colloquium was ended. Thank you for the participation.

Date&Time Friday, September 27, 2007 15:00-17:00
Place Conference Room, 2F, Research Building 1,Kobe Advanced ICT Research Center
Lecturer "Measurement of relaxation time of a large inductance superconducting flux qubit "
Speaker Dr. Wei Qiu
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas)
Abstracts Superconducting flux qubits with large geometric inductance are promising candidates for scalable quantum computing because it is easier to couple many of them together to form a quantum circuit sufficiently large for useful computational task. Decoherence due to the energy relaxation as one of the decoherence mechanisms dominates in superconducting flux qubit that carefully isolated from environment. It is therefore important to understand various relaxation mechanisms. In this talk I will show our recent studies of relaxation time as a function of flux bias, temperature in an rf SQUID flux qubit. Determination of the qubit’s parameters via microwave and resonant tunneling spectroscopy allow quantitative comparisons to theoretical models. Implications of the result will be discussed.
Language English
Admission Free
Organizer Dr. Zhen Wang, Nano-ICT group,
Kobe Advanced ICT Research Center,National Institute of Information and Communications Technology