The121th KARC Colloquium

The121th KARC Colloquium was ended. Thank you for the participation.

Date&Time 10 November 2014 (Mon) 15:00 - 16:30
Place Conference Room, 3F, Research Building 2, Advanced ICT Research Institute
Lecturer "a memory found?"
Speaker Scott Waddell,
Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour, The University of Oxford, Tinsley Building, Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3SR, UK
Abstract Learning permits animals to convert innate reflexive stimulus-driven behavioral responses into meaningful stimulus-guided actions. Understanding how such sensory-motor transformations are implemented and altered in the nervous system is a subject of great interest. In Drosophila, innate behavioral responses to odors can be redirected towards approach or avoidance by a learning session that couples odor exposure with rewarding sugar or punitive electric shock, respectively. Recently, substantial progress has been made in understanding the neural mechanisms of odorant coding and learning in the fly. However, it remains unclear how peripheral odor responses are transformed into behavioral performance and how learning redirects the transformation. I will discuss our most recent experiments that suggest we have located a key site of learning-relevant synaptic plasticity for odor-guided behavioral choice.
Language English
Admission Free
Organizer Motojiro Yoshihara,
Senior Researcher of Bio ICT Laboratory ,Advanced ICT Research Institute, NICT