The124th KARC Colloquium

Date&Time 8 June 2016(Wed) 14:00-16:00
Place Conference Room, 2F of Research Building 1, KARC, NICT
Lecturer Control of frequency correlation of photons and measurement of its temporal distributions
Speaker Ryosuke Shimizu
Associate Professor Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications
Abstract The nonclassical nature of a multi-photon wave packet is a key resource for overcoming the limitations of the present optical technologies governed by classical wave optics. Specifically, quantum entanglement of photons, which is the most striking nonclcassical feature of the multi-photon wave packet, plays a pivotal role in quantum optical technologies, including quantum information and communication, quantum imaging and quantum metrology. In this talk, I show our recent results on generation and detection of photon pairs having controlled frequency entanglement, and discuss Fourier duality of frequency-entangled photon pairs.
Language Japanese
Admission Free