National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Advanced ICT Research Institute

CREST-Brain Imaging Team


The development of the noninvasive quantitative brain functional imaging technique

The aim of our project is to develop the new noninvasive quantitative imaging techniques of brain function and brain temperature by introducing and combining several techniques such as magnetic resonance spectroscopy, fMRI, near infrared spectroscopy, and EEG. The evaluations of the absolute brain activities and the activity level of the brain at rest, which have been difficult even by using some brain functional imaging techniques such as fMRI, will be made by our new techniques, and so the new techniques are expected to bring breakthrough to the elucidation of the brain function and disease.


Feb 9, 2015Our review paper entitled "Researches for sleep and consciousness with simultaneous EEG/fMRI" has been published in Annual Review 2015 "Nerve".
Sep 29, 2014Satoru Miyauchi, the leader of our team, made a presentation entitled "spontaneous brain acitivity during sleep: simultaneous EEG and fMRI"
Satoru Miyauchi was interviewed about development of the method for measuring visual field by subjects' saccadic eye movements. This has been introduced in NICT NEWS September No.444.
Aug 22, 2014Satoru Miyauchi, the leader of our team, was interviewed about dream and brain activity during sleep by "Oshiete Gakkai", a science TV program on NHK.
Jun 2, 2014We were interviewed about resting-state fMRI and Default Mode Network by "Science ZERO", a science TV program. This program will be aired on June 22 (23:30-24:00) at NHK Educational TV.
May 18, 2014Satoru Miyauchi, the leader of our team, delivered a lecture entitled "Measurement of the brain" in 32nd annual meeting of Japanese Society for Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology.
May 9, 2014Our joint paper entitled "Network-dependent modulation of brain activity during sleep" has been published on online version of Neuroimage.
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