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Name | KAN, Shigeyuki |
Degree | Ph.D. | |
Education | Department of Human Information Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Bachelor of Engineering) | |
Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology (Master of Art and Science) | ||
Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology (Doctor of Art and Science) | ||
Employment | 2008-2011 Expert researcher, CREST Brain Function Imaging Team, Kobe Advanced ICT Research Center, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology |
2011-2012 Specially appointed researcher, Pain Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine |
2013-Present Assistant professor, Pain Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine Guest researcher, CREST-Brain Imaging Team, Advanced ICT Institute,National Institute of Information and Communications Technology |
Awards & Fellowships | 2010 IFCN Fellowship | |
s-kan@nict.go.jp |
Research field | Neurophysiology, Cognitive neuroscience, Pain Medicine, Simultaneous EEG/fMRI recording |
Current major research project | 1. Investigation of spontaneous brain activities during sleep 2. Investigation of spontaneous brain activities in chronic pain patients 3. Elucidation of physiological substrate of spontaneous EEG activities 4. Search for effects of pulsation and respiration on BOLD-fMRI signals |
2014 Dec | Kan S and Shibata M. Multidisciplinary Approach to Chronic Pain in Center for Pain Management, Osaka University Medical Hospital. First symposium of Jikei Center for Neuroscience of Pain. (Oral) |
Kan S, Oshiro Y, Takashima K, Tanaka H, Watanabe Y, Onoda K, Yamaguchi S, and Shibata M.. Alterations of resting state networks in central dysfunctional pain (CDP) patients. The First Cinet Conference "New Directions in Pain Neuroscience". (Oral) | |
2014 Nov | Kan S. Investigations of brain dysfunction in central dysfunctional pain (CDP) patients. The 15th conference of complex regional pain syndrome. (Oral) |
2014 Oct | Kan S, Oshiro Y, Takashima K, Tanaka H, Watanabe Y, Onoda K, Yamaguchi S, and Shibata M. Functional reorganization of the primary somatosensory cortex in central dysfunctional and neuropathic pain patients. 7th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for the Study of Musculoskeletal Pain. (Oral)(Oral) |
2014 Jun | Kan S, Oshiro Y, Takashima K, Tanaka H, Watanabe Y, Onoda K, Yamaguchi S, and Shibata M. Investigation of resting-state networks in central dysfunctional pain patients. The 36th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for the Study of Pain. (Oral) |
2014 Mar | Kan S, Oshiro Y, Takashima K, Tanaka H, Watanabe Y, Onoda K, Yamaguchi S and Shibata M. Resting-state networks in central dysfunctional pain patients. 2nd Asian Congress on Pain.iPosterj |
2013 Dec | Kan S, Oshiro Y, Takashima K, Tanaka H, Watanabe Y, Onoda K, Yamaguchi S, and Shibata M. Investigation of resting-state networks in Functional Pain Disorder patients. 6th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for the Study of Musculoskeletal Pain. (Oral) |
2013 Nov | Kan S, Koike T, Misaki M, and Miyauchi S. Neural substrate of rapid eye movements during REM sleep in humans: Comparison of cortical activation patterns among REMs and several types of waking saccades. 43th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego CA, USA (Poster) |
2013 May | Kan S, Koike T, and Miyauchi S. Neural activity accompanied by rapid eye movements during REM sleep in the human brainstem: an fMRI study. 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science. (Poster) |
2012 Jul | Kan S and Miyauchi S. Brain activations accompanying rapid eye movements during REM sleep. 2nd study meeting of sleep, Nagoya, Aich, Japan (Oral) |
2012 Jun | Kan S, Koike T, Uehara T, Tobimatsu S, and Miyauchi S. Resting-state fMRI and functional connectivity analysis: Investigations of spontaneous brain activities during sleep. The 37th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Sleep Research, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan (Oral) |
2011 Sep | Kan S, Koike T, and Miyauchi S. The activation of the pons accompanying rapid eye movements during REM sleep: a simultaneous EEG/fMRI study. The 13th Congress of Japan Human Brain Mapping Society, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan (Oral) |
2011 Jun | Kan S, Koike T, Misaki M, and Miyauchi S. Resting-state fMRI: investigations of spontaneous brain activities. 26th Annual Meeting of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan (Oral) |
2010 Nov | Kan S, Koike T, and Miyauchi S. Activation of the pontine reticular formation accompanying rapid eye movements during REM sleep: A high-resolution fMRI study. 40th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego CA, USA (Poster) |
2010 Oct | Kan S, Koike T, Uehara T, Tobimatsu S, and Miyauchi S. The reticular activating system is associated with spontaneous fluctuations of alpha rhythm: a simultaneous EEG/fMRI study. 29th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan (Poster) |
2010 Sep | KanS, Koike T, Uehara T, Tobimatsu S, and Miyauchi S. Influence of convolution of the hemodynamic response function on identification of alpha-BOLD correlations The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neuroscience Society for Neuroscience, Kobe, Japan (Poster) |
2009 Oct | Kan S, Koike T, Misaki M, and Miyauchi S. Heart rate fluctuation affects fMRI signals across the cerebral cortices during REM and light non-REM sleep, but not during deep non-REM sleep. 39th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL, USA (Poster) |
2009 Sep | KanS, Koike T, Uehara T, Tobimatsu S, and Miyauchi S. Sleep-specific relationship between heart rate fluctuation and functional magnetic resonance imaging signal across cortical areas. The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neuroscience Society for Neuroscience, Nagoya, Japan (Poster) |
2009 May | Kan S, Koike T, Uehara T, Tobimatsu S, and Miyauchi S. The influence of heart rate fluctuation on fMRI signal is localized to periventricular areas. The 11th Congress of Japan Human Brain Mapping Society, Niigata, Japan (Poster) |
2008 Nov | Kan S, Koike T, Misaki M, and Miyauchi S. Simultaneous EEG/fMRI recording for sleep study: relationship between K-complex and cerebral perfusion autoregulation. The 38th meeting of Japanese Clinical Neuropsychology, Hyogo, Kobe, Japan (Oral) |
2007 Sep | Kan S, Misaki M, Iwata K, Koike T, and Miyauchi S. An active role of MST in maintaining visual stability during saccades in the natural environment. The 30th Annual meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan (Poster) |
2006 Sep | Kan S, Misaki M, Koike T, Abe T, and Miyauchi S. Simultaneous EEG recording with fMRI: An application to study rapid eye movements during REM sleep. JSMRM 34th Scientific meeting & Exhibition, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan (Oral) |
2005 Oct | Abe T, Kan S, Fukunaga T, Misaki M, Tanaka Y, and Miyauchi S. Comparison between cortical and subcortical areas activated by rapid eye movments during REM sleep and those by waking saccades: A simultaneous fMRI and polysomnograph study. 35th Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, USA (Poster) |
2003 Dec | Kan S, and Kawara T. Processing of hierarchical visual stimulus and laterality of human brain function. KIT International Symposium on Brain and Language, Tokyo, Japan (Poster) |
2003 Sep | Kan S, and Kawara T. Processing of hierarchical visual stimulus and laterality of human brain function. 39th Japanese Society of ophthalmological optics, Osaka, Japan (Oral) |