• GPAI Tokyo
    Expert Support Center
  • GPAI Tokyo
    Expert Support Center
  • GPAI Tokyo
    Expert Support Center
GPAI Expert Support Centers are organizations that provide operational and administrative assistance to research and projects conducted by experts from science, industry, civil society, governments, international organizations, and academia that address priority issues related to AI under the framework of the Global Partnership on AI (GPAI).
GPAI Tokyo Expert Support Center was established at the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) as the third center following those in Paris and Montreal.


  • 01 Overview of GPAI
    Tokyo Expert Support Center

    Our background and work
  • 02 What is GPAI?

    About GPAI and its expert support centers

NEWSNews List

  • 2024.07.01 NEW
    GPAI Tokyo Expert Support Center Website launched.