EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY Chapter_11 Technical_Terms_Dictionary_(Information_Processing) The Technical Terms Dictionary contains technical terms in English and Japanese from the field of information processing. The Technical Terms Dictionary is composed of the following subdictionaries: the Japanese Technical Terms Dictionary, the English Technical Terms Dictionary, the Japanese-English Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms, the English-Japanese Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms, the Concept Dictionary of Technical Terms, the Japanese Technical Terms Co-occurrence Data, and the English Technical Terms Co-occurrence Data. The terms in the aforementioned dictionaries and data have been selected mostly from computer and information processing related fields. However, terms from electronics and terms from other areas not considered strictly part of information processing have also been included. The technical terms in the Technical Terms Dictionary are described in the same format as the words in the basic terms dictionaries. Note however, that the treatment of pronunciation and syntactic information is different. Word look-up and use of the dictionary can be carried out just as with the basic word dictionaries since the structure is the same. ==================Structure of the Technical Terms Dictionary=================== :(Section 11.1) ... :(Section 11.2) ... :(Section 11.3) ... :(Section 11.4) ... :(Section 11.5) ... ... :(Section 11.6) ... :(Section 11.7) ... ================================================================================ 11.1. Japanese Technical Terms Dictionary The composition of the records in the Japanese Technical Terms Dictionary is the same as that of the Japanese Word Dictionary. That is, each record is composed of the record number, headword information, grammatical information, 11-1 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY semantic information, pragmatic and supplementary information and management information. The main role of the Japanese Technical Terms Dictionary is to describe the correspondence between Japanese words used in information processing and the concept represented by the words and to provide the grammatical information for the words when used with the given meaning. ================================================================================ :Record type and identifier number :(Section 11.1.1) :Sequence composed of stem form of word and related adjacency attributes :Pronunciation and accent in Katakana notation of invariable portion of headword :(Section 11.1.2) :Part of speech :Conjugational form (Provided only for words that have an irregular conjugation pattern.) :Conjugational type (Provided only for words that have a regular conjugation pattern.) :Surface case (Provided for predicates and predicates phrases only.) :Aspect information (Provided for verbs only.) :Function word information (Provided for function words only.) :(Section 11.1.3) :Number that uniquely identifies the concept :Headword that represents concept. (Provided for content words only.) :Japanese headword that represents concept :English headword that represents concept :Written explanation of concept (Provided for content words only.) :Concept explication in Japanese :Concept explication in English :Usage of headword :Occurrence frequency :(Section 11.1.4) 11-2 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY :Management information such as date of creation or record update ================================================================================ ==============Example of Japanese Technical Terms Dictionary Records============ Example (1) メモリ メモリ メモリ(Common Noun, Common Noun) メ’モリー Common Noun 1f0a30 メモリ[メモリ] 計算機などの記憶装置 memorizing equipment like a calculator TECH 00000002 ================================================================================ ==============Example of Japanese Technical Terms Dictionary Records============ Example (2) 磁気テープ ジキテープ 磁気テープ(Common Noun, Common Noun) ジキテ’ープ Common Noun 11-3 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY 3bda69 磁気テープ[ジキテープ] magnetic tape データを記憶できる磁性層をもつテープ a tape that has a magnetic layer that can store data TECH 0000002f ================================================================================ 11.1.1. Headword Information The headword information is composed of the headword, the invariable portion of the headword and pair of adjacency attributes, the Kana notation and the pronunciation of the headword. The headwords registered in the dictionary include Japanese words used in information processing, proper nouns, abbreviations, and idiomatic or set phrases. 11.1.2. Grammar Information The grammatical information is composed of part of speech, syntactic tree, conjugation information, surface case and aspect information, and function word information. This information can be used to find the syntactic structure of a sentence during syntactic analysis, or in syntactic generation to determine what sentence structure should be used in order to express a certain meaning. 11.1.3. Semantic Information Semantic information is composed of the concept identifier, the headconcept, and the concept explication. The concept identifier, headconcept and concept explication provide the basic information for the concepts in the Concept Dictionary. 11.1.4. Management Information The management information of the Japanese Technical Terms Dictionary contains the management history record. The management history record provides 11-4 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY information such as date of creation or record update and other pertinent information related to the record. 11.2. English Technical Terms Dictionary The composition of the records in the English Technical Terms Dictionary is the same as that of that English Word Dictionary. That is, each record is composed of the record number, headword information, grammatical information, semantic information, pragmatic and supplementary information and management information. The main role of the English Technical Terms Dictionary is to describe the correspondence between English words used in information processing and the concept represented by the words and to provide the grammatical information for the words when used with the given meaning. ==============Structure of English Technical Terms Dictionary Records=========== :Record type and identifier number :(Section 11.2.1) :Regularly inflecting words are given with suffix endings :Sequence composed of stem form of word and related adjacency attributes :Character string notation with '/' indicating syllable division :(Section 11.2.2) :Part of speech :Word form :Inflection patterns :(Provided for verbs, nouns, determiners, adjectives and adverbs only.) :(Provided for verbs, nouns and adjectives only.) :(Provided for nouns, adjectives, determiners, and adverbs.) :Function word information (Provided for function words only.) :(Section 11.2.3) :Number that uniquely identifies the concept :Headword that represents concept. (Provided for content words only.) :Japanese headword that represents concept :English headword that represents concept :Written explanation of concept (Provided for content words only.) :Concept explication in Japanese 11-5 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY :Concept explication in English :Usage of word :Occurrence frequency :(Section 11.2.4) :Management information such as date of creation or record update ================================================================================ ================Example of English Technical Terms Dictionary Record============ Example (1) job job(Noun with Initial Consonant Sound, Singular Form Noun) job Common Noun 3c8989 ジョブ[ジョブ] job 利用者によって定義され,計算機によって実 施される仕事の単位 a collection of specified tasks constituting a unit of work for a computer TECH 000000a0 ================================================================================ ================Example of English Technical Terms Dictionary Record============ Example (2) 11-6 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY keyword (Noun with Initial Consonant Sound, Invariable Portion of Noun Headword - followed by s) key/word Common Noun 3c785f キーワード[キーワード] keyword プログラミング言語文における素元 in computing, a primary element in a programming language statement TECH 00000000 ================================================================================ 11.2.1. Headword Information The headword information is composed of the headword, the invariable portion of the headword and pair of adjacency attributes, the syllable division of the headword and pronunciation. The headwords registered in the dictionary include English words used in information processing, proper nouns abbreviations, compounds words, etc.. In the current English Technical Terms Dictionary pronunciation notation is not provided. Compound words are registered in the dictionary and treated as single word entries. (See Chapter 3, English Word Dictionary, for the distinction between single and phrasal entries.) 11-7 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY 11.2.2. Grammar Information The grammatical information is composed of part of speech, syntactic tree, word form, inflection, grammatical attributes, sentence pattern, word (or phrase) function and position, and function word information. Since compound words are treated as single word entries, syntactic tree information is not provided. This information can be used to find the syntactic structure of a sentence during syntactic analysis, or in syntactic generation to determine what sentence structure should be used in order to express a certain meaning. 11.2.3. Semantic Information Semantic information is composed of the concept identifier, the headconcept, and the concept explication. The concept identifier, headconcept and concept explication provide the basic information for the concepts in the Concept Dictionary. 11.2.4. Management Information The management information of the English Technical Terms Dictionary contains the management history record. The management history record provides information such as date of creation or record update and other pertinent information related to the record. 11.3. Japanese-English Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms The composition of the records in the Japanese-English Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms is the same as that of the Japanese-English Bilingual Dictionary. That is, each record is composed of the record number, headword information, grammatical information, semantic information, English correspondence information and management information. The main role of the Japanese-English Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms is to describe the correspondence between Japanese words used in information processing and the concept represented by the words and to provide the English correspondence words when used with the given meaning. ===========Structure of Records in the Japanese-English Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms ================ :Record type and identifier number :(Section 11.3.1) :(Section 11.3.2) :(Section 11.3.3) :Number that uniquely identifies the concept :Headword that represents concept :Japanese headword that represents concept :English headword that represents concept 11-8 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY :Written explanation of concept :(Section 11.3.4) :Notation of correspondence word, semantic information, and grammatical information :Type of correspondence word (Note: not significant in the Japanese-English Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms) :Notation of correspondence word :Part of speech of correspondence word :(Section 11.3.5) :Management information such as date of creation or record update ================================================================================ ===========Example of Records in the Japanese-English Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms========= Example (1) エコーイック・メモリー エコーイック・メモリー Common Noun 3ccfb1 エコーイックメモリ[エコーイックメモリ] echoic memory エコーイックメモリというメモリ 0 echoic memory Noun and Noun Phrase, Nominal Clause ================================================================================ ===========Example of Records in the Japanese-English Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms========= Example (2) エコーキャンセラー伝送方式 11-9 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY エコーキャンセラーデンソウホウシキ Common Noun 3ccfb4 エコーキャンセラー伝送方式[エコーキャン セラーデンソウホウシキ] echo canceller transmission system エコーキャンセラ伝送方式という方式 0 echo canceller transmission system Noun and Noun Phrase, Nominal Clause ================================================================================ 11.3.1. Headword Information The headword information is the Japanese headword itself. The headwords registered in the Japanese-English Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms include Japanese words used in information processing, proper nouns abbreviations, etc. 11.3.2. Grammar Information The grammatical information is composed of the part of speech of the headword only. Other information such as the syntactic tree, conjugation information, surface case and aspect information, and function word information which are part of the grammatical information of the Japanese Word Dictionary are not included. 11.3.3. Semantic Information The semantic information is composed of the concept identifier, the headconcept, and the concept explication. The concept identifier, headconcept and concept explication provide the basic information for the concepts in the Concept Dictionary. 11.3.4. Correspondence Information The Japanese headwords in the Japanese-English Bilingual Dictionary of Technical technical terms are Japanese words related to information processing or related fields. However, the English correspondence word is not necessarily an English technical term specific to the field of information processing. Some 11-10 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY of the words are included in the basic terms dictionary. This is caused by the difference in the treatment of technical terms between Japanese and English. 11.3.5. Management Information The management information of the Japanese-English Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms contains the management history record. The management history record provides information such as date of creation or record update and other pertinent information related to the record. 11.4. English-Japanese Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms The composition of the records in the English-Japanese Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms is the same as that of the English-Japanese Bilingual Dictionary. That is, each record is composed of the record number, headword information, grammatical information, semantic information, Japanese correspondence information and management information. The main role of the English-Japanese Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms is to describe the correspondence between English words used in information processing and the concept represented by the words and to provide the Japanese correspondence words when used with the given meaning. ============Structure of Records in the English-Japanese Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms========= :Record type and identifier number :(Section 11.4.1) :Predicative form of inflecting headwords :(Section 11.4.2) :Part of speech :(Section 11.4.3) :Number that uniquely identifies the concept :Headword that represents concept. (Provided for content words only.) :English headword that represents concept :Japanese headword that represents concept :Written explanation of concept :Concept explication in English :Concept explication in Japanese :(Section 11.4.4) :Type of correspondence word (Note: not significant in the Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms) :Notation of Japanese correspondence word 11-11 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY :(Section 11.4.5) :Management information such as date of creation or record update ================================================================================ ============Example of Records in the English-Japanese Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms========= Example (1) single-address code Common Noun 3c7331 single address instruction 1アドレス命令[1アドレスメイレイ] an instruction that has one address part 1個のアドレス部をもつ命令 1アドレスコード ================================================================================ ===========Example of Records in the English-Japanese Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms========= Example (2) non-return-to-zero inverted recording Common Noun 2dc813 non-return-to-zero-inverted recording NRZI記録方式[NRZIキロクホウシキ] non-return-to-zero-inverted recording NRZI記録方式 11-12 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY 0 NRZI 0 NRZI記録方式 ================================================================================ 11.4.1. Headword Information The headword information is the English headword itself. The headwords registered in the English-Japanese Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms include English words used in information processing, proper nouns abbreviations, etc. 11.4.2. Grammar Information The grammatical information is composed of the part of speech of the headword only. Other information such as the syntactic tree, word form information, grammatical attributes, and function word information which are part of the grammatical information of the English Word Dictionary are not included. 11.4.3. Semantic Information The semantic information is composed of the concept identifier, the headconcept, and the concept explication. The concept identifier, headconcept and concept explication provide the basic information for the concepts in the Concept Dictionary. 11.4.4. Correspondence Information The English headwords in the English-Japanese Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Technical Terms are English words related to information processing or related fields. However, the Japanese correspondence word is not necessarily a Japanese technical term specific to the field of information processing. Some of the words are included in the basic terms dictionary. This is caused by the difference in the treatment of technical terms between Japanese and English. 11.4.5. Management Information The management information of the Japanese-English Bilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms contains the management history record. The management history record provides information such as date of creation or record update and other 11-13 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY pertinent information related to the record. 11.5. Concept Dictionary of Technical Terms The purpose of the Concept Dictionary of Technical Terms is to provide the concepts that are made reference to in the Japanese and English Technical Terms Dictionaries, the Japanese-English and English-Japanese Bilingual Dictionaries of Technical Terms as well as the Japanese and English Technical Terms Co- occurrence Data. The Concept Dictionary of Technical Terms is divided into two sub-dictionaries: the Headconcept Dictionary of Technical Terms and the Concept Classification Dictionary of Technical TermsThe Headconcept Dictionary of Technical Terms gives a description of each concept in words and the Concept Classification Dictionary of Technical Terms contains a classification of concepts that have a super-sub relation. 11.5.1. Headconcept Dictionary of Technical Terms The Headconcept Dictionary of Technical Terms is a collection of headconcept records. The records are composed of the record number, the concept identifier, the headconcept, the concept explication, and management information. The structure and content of each field of the Headconcept Dictionary of Technical Terms record is given below. ================Structure of Records in the Headconcept Dictionary of Technical Terms============================== :Record type and identifier number :Number that uniquely identifies the concept :Headword that represents concept. (Provided for content words only.) :English headword that represents concept :Japanese headword that represents concept :Written explanation of concept :Concept explication in English :Concept explication in Japanese :Management information such as date of record creation or update ================================================================================ ==================Example of Records in the Headconcept Dictionary of Technical Terms============================== Example (1) 2dc843 SVC割り込み[SVCワリコミ] 11-14 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY SVC interruption SVC割込み DATE="95/3/16" ================================================================================ =================Example of Record of Headconcept Dictionary of Technical Terms============================== Example (2) 2e3821 右寄せする[ミギヨセ・スル] right-justify レジスタの内容を右寄せする DATE="95/3/16" ================================================================================ 11.5.2. Concept Classification Dictionary of Technical Terms The Concept Classification Dictionary of Technical Terms contains the division of information processing-specific concepts into super-sub classifications. The divisions or categories can be roughly divided into concepts of 'thing', 'attribute', and 'event'. There are approximately 8,000 intermediate nodes. The classification with the longest depth has thirteen levels. ==============Structure of Records in the Concept Classification Dictionary of Technical Terms============================== :Record type and Identifier number :Number that uniquely identifies the concept :Number that uniquely identifies the concept :Management information such as date of creation or record update ================================================================================ A classification similar to the concept classification used for the concept classification of basic words has been used to express the concept classification of 'thing and 'attribute' concepts. This is different from basic word concepts whose concepts are relatively numerous. In order to make the classification of 'thing' and 'attribute' concepts, the classification for 11-15 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY 'thing' concepts of basic terms was used as the basic framework. The 'thing' concepts were then categorized into the related sub-concepts. For example, the classes of basic words such as 'part/portion' and 'material' were further broken down into 'parts/portions of computing devices' and 'material(s) for memory storage devices' etc. Below is the classification of upper level classifications of the super-concepts 'thing' and 'attribute'. Concept Classification Dictionary of Technical Terms: Upper Classification For 'thing' and 'attribute' Concepts 2f2651: [something (concrete) related to information processing] 2f2652: [things in general related to information processing] 2f2653: [thing] 2f2658: [computing system] 2f2659: [computer/computing device] 2f26b0: [system] 2f2738: [information] 2f2739: [information in general] 2f273e: [information (content)] 2f274d: [information (structure, function)] 2f2e71: [signal/code] 2f278a: [part (pieces) of a computer/computing device] 2f278b: [parts (in general) of a computer/computing device] 2f2793: [S/W] 2f2845: [H/W] 2f2a0e: [material related to information processing] 2f2a0f: [material (in general) related to information processing] 2f2a16: [material of a computer/computing device] 2f2a17: [physical matter/substance related to information processing] 2f2a2a: [organization/body acting on its own volition concerned with/ related to information processing] 2f2a2b: [person concerned with/related to information processing] 2f2a4a: [organization concerned with/related to information processing] 2f2a71: [place concerned with/related to information processing] 2f2a72: [places in general concerned with/related to information processing] 2f2a9d: [area concerned with/related to information processing] 2f2a9e: [space/place concerned with/related to information processing] 2f2aa9: [building or structure/room concerned with/related to information processing ] 2f2ab0: [location/place of abstract entities concerned with/ related to information processing ] 2f2ab2: [place of an electric signal] 2f2ab5: [path concerned with/related to information processing] 2f2abb: [location/place defined/expressed by shape of something related to information processing] 2f2abd: [local/specific part/portion of information processing] 2f2Abe: [local/specific part of a computer component] 2f2b19: [living organism concerned with/related to information 11-16 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY processing] 2f2b1a: [living (existing) substance concerned with/related to information processing] 2f2b1d: [portions/part of living organism concerned with/related to information processing] 2f2b1f: [organ of a living organism concerned with/related to information processing] 2f2b31: [products (manufactured) and tools concerned with/related to information processing] 2f2b32: [concrete product (manufactured) concerned with/related to information processing] 2f2cd6: [abstract tools/implements of mental/intellectual activity] 2f2d03: [abstract entities concerned with/related to information processing] 2f2d04: [abstract entities (in general) concerned with/related to information processing] 2f2d16: [something immanent in language] 2f2d2d: [set/group theory notation] 2f2d33: [human ability/competence and character/personality] 2f2d34: [environment] 2f2d37: [mental activity and consideration/thinking faculty] 2f2d38: [object of something] 2f2d57: [object seen from set/group theory] 2f2d59: [meaning/sense] 2f2d5a: [idea that which is thought of or given consideration] 2f2d77: [evaluative attribute indicating either loss or gain] 2f2d79: [attributes of variables and symbols ] 2f2d7a: [function] 2f2d7b: [function in/of computer processing] 2f2e12: [ability and physical energy] 2f2e58: [phenomenon] 2f2e59: [phenomenon in general] 2f2e5f: [social phenomenon] 2f2e61: [physiological phenomenon] 2f2e63: [phenomenon that is detectable by vision] 2f2e64: [result of an occurrence/phenomenon] 2f2e67: [phenomenon that is not naturally produced/phenomenon produced by artificial means] 2f2e6a: [natural phenomenon] 2f2e8e: [phenomenon of electric current] 2f2e93: [H/W (Hardware phenomenon)] 2f2e96: [S/W (Software phenomenon)] 2f2e99: [abstract phenomenon] 2f2e9b: [learning, thinking] 2f2e9c: [thought, ideology] 2f2eb3: [learning/study] 2f2ec8: [laws, rules] 2f2ec9: [law] 2f2efb: [plan/project/scheme] 2f2efd: [criterion, standards] 2f2f05: [organization/system] 2f2f0b: [method, technique] 2f2f0c: [methods and techniques in general] 11-17 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY 2f30cc: [methods and techniques in systems] 2f3292: [attributes, values, units concerned/related to information processing] 2f3293: [attribute concerned/related to information processing] 2f3294: [attributes (in general) concerning/related to information processing] 2f3363: [attribute of computing systems] 2f338f: [attribute of information] 2f339f: [attribute of computer components] 2f33a4: [attribute of people, organizations] 2f33a6: [local attribute] 2f33af: [temporal attribute] 2f33b1: [attribute of products (manufactured)] 2f33d1: [attribute of abstract entities] 2f33ef: [attribute of a function] 2f33f9: [attribute of laws and rules] 2f33fb: [attribute concerned with/related to computer processing and phenomena] 2f3408: [attribute value concerned with/related to information processing] 2f3409: [attribute values (in general) concerned with/related to information processing] 2f34a4: [attribute value of computing systems] 2f34aa: [attribute value of information] 2f34b8: [attribute value of computer components] 2f34cb: [attribute value of materials] 2f34ce: [attribute value of persons or organizations] 2f34d2: [attribute value of a living (existing) body] 2f34d3: [attribute value of products (manufactured)] 2f34da: [attribute value of abstract entities] 2f34e1: [attribute value of a function] 2f34ea: [attribute value concerned with/related to computer processing and phenomena] 2f34ff: [units (measure) concerned with/related to information processing] 2f3500: [units (in general) concerned with/related to information processing] 2f3504: [numerical unit] 2f3506: [unit of a phenomenon] 2f3507: [unit of length] 2f3509: [unit of time] 2f350c: [quantity of a concrete thing] 2f350d: [unit that indicates the attribute of a computer/ commuting device] 2f3513: [mode/state concerned with/related to information processing] 2f3514: [modes/states (in general) concerned with/related to information processing] 2f351b: [mode of the action/movement of a machine or device] 2f3521: [mode of the use of a computer/commuting device] 2f3522: [way/mode of a computer's/commuting device's position] 2f3523: [state/mode of an inference/thought] For separating concepts, the most effective separation is selected for the division of 'event' concepts in terms of upper and lower divisions. The event 11-18 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY portion of the classification is made up of movements, states and other concepts of verb related words. Concepts of movement, carried out or accomplished by human functions, is made up of the followng three items: hardware operations, information processing and systems operations. When items are separated into groups according to their similarity, it is important to set standards in order to separate concepts or make the division of concepts. The separation of event concepts in the EDR event concept classification of technical terms is based on the separation networks and makes use of the EDR relation labels. The items of the event classification were made by using a separation network in the following format: /noun>. The order of priority of each of the items of the event classification is determined by the con cept relation label thought to be the most important to the item. For example, for the item 'hardware movement', the relation label 'place' takes priority since the division 'place where a movement occurs' is thought to be the most standard division. Likewise, the concept relation label 'object' takes priority for the item 'operations of memory storage devices. Below is the classification of upper level classifications for the super-concepts 'event'. [Concept Classification Dictionary of Technical Terms :Upper classification of 'event' concepts] 2f30dd: [matter/affair (as opposed to concrete thing) concerned with/related to information processing] 2f30de: [action/behavior concerned with/related to information processing] 2f3138: [operations of hardware] 2f313b: [operations of/in memory storage devices] 2f313c: [operations of memory storage devices] 2f313f: [operations concerned with/related to the information of memory storage devices] 2f3145: [operations concerned with/related to files of memory storage devices] 2f3149: [operations on magnetic disks] 2f314a: [operations of magnetic disks] 2f314e: [operations of the tracks of magnetic disks] 2f314f: [operations of the magnetic heads of magnetic disks] 2f3150: [operations on magnetic disk devices] 2f3151: [operations of magnetic disk devices] 2f3152: [operations on card devices] 2f3153: [operations of card devices] 2f3154: [operations on printing devices] 2f3157: [operations on texts of printing devices] 2f3159: [operations on paper of printing devices] 2f315a: [operations of paper alignment on printing devices] 2f315b: [operations on display devices ] 2f315c: [operations on character strings of display devices] 2f3167: [operations on mouse of display devices] 11-19 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY 2f3168: [operations on the window of display devices] 2f3169: [operations of display position on display devices] 2f316a: [operations on parts of devices] 2f316c: [operations in electric circuits] 2f316d: [operations on parts or devices of semiconductors] 2f30fa: [adjustment of light and shade] 2f3170: [information processing] 2f3171: [operations on information] 2f313f: [operations on information of memory storage devices] 2f317d: [recovery/restoration] 2f3189: [operatins of information from memory devices] 2f318a: [operations of information for memory devices] 2f318b: [operations of information from texts] 2f318c: [operations of information for texts] 2f318d: [operations of information in texts] 2f318f: [operations on sets of information] 2f3192: [operations on binary bit information] 2f3193: [operations on information in stacks] 2f3196: [operations on files] 2f3197: [operations on texts] 2f31a5: [operations on programs] 2f31ac: [operations on programs utilizing programming languages] 2f31ae: [operations of programs for machince language] 2f31b0: [operations of programs for address spaces] 2f31b4: [operations of programs from address spaces] 2f31b5: [programming operations] 2f31b6: [programming operations of/on variables] 2f31bb: [programming operations of sub-routines] 2f31bd: [programming operations for sub-routines] 2f31c0: [programming operations of/on input and output devices] 2f31ca: [programming operations of/on loops] 2f31cb: [programming operations of/on addresses] 2f31cc: [programming operations of/on jobs] 2f31cd: [programming operations for jobs] 2f31ce: [operations of artificial intelligence] 2f31da: [systems operations] 2f31db: [operations of computing systems] 2f3216: [actions/movement that uses/makes use of computing systems] 2f324c: [operations performed by people or organizations] 2f324f: [operations on communicating systems] 11-20 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY 2f3250: [recovery] 2f3252: [operations on communicating devices] 2f3258: [operations on information of communication systems] 2f327b: [operations of/on signals in communication systems] 2f30e2: [actions/behavior other than those which are concerned with/related to information processing] 2f327c: [event concerned with/related to information processing] 2f327e: [phenomenon concerned with/related to information processing] 2f3280: [incuctive attenuation] 2f316b: [cut/break in electric waves] 2f327f: [phonon scattering] 2f3284: [Reyleigh fading] 2f3282: [maintenance halt] 2f3283: [simultaneous halt] 2f3285: [condition/state/mode in information processing] 2f3286: [condition/state of a computing system] 2f3287: [condition/state of a device or computer component] 2f3288: [mathmatical/logical state of data] 2f3289: [program of status of a program] 2f328a: [function in information processing] 2f328b: [functions on computing systems] 2f3139: [switching movements] 2f3290: [functions on a device] 11.6. Japanese Technical Terms Co-occurrence Data The Japanese Technical Terms Co-occurrence Data basically describes the co-occurrence relation between Japanese words used in information processing. The records of the Japanese Technical Terms Co-occurrence Data is composed of the record number, the nominal headword, deep-level case, verbal headword, surface-level case and management information. =====Structure of Records in the Japanese Technical Terms Co-occurrence Data==== :Record type and identifier number :(Section 11.6.1) :Headword with its conjugational ending :Number that uniquely identifies the concept :Headword that represents concept. (Provided for content words only.) :English headword that represents concept :Japanese headword that represents concept :Written explanation of concept (Provided for content words only.) 11-21 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY :Concept explication in English :Concept explication in Japanese :(Section 11.6.3) :(Section 11.6.2) :Headword with its conjugational ending :Number that uniquely identifies the concept :Headword that represents concept. (Provided for content words only.) :English headword that represents concept :Japanese headword that represents concept :Written explanation of concept (Provided for content words only.) :Concept explication in English :Concept explication in Japanese :(Section 11.6.4) :Information for dictionary development management :Management information such as date of creation or record update ================================================================================ =========Example of Japanese Technical Terms Co-occurrence Data Records========= Example (1) 2進数 3c8859 binary number 二進数[2シンスウ] numbers which are used in the binary numeration system 2進記数法を表わすのに使われる数字 11-22 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY 出力する 3c9fae output 出力する[シュツリョク・スル] to output data プリンタに出力する object ================================================================================ =========Example of Japanese Technical Terms Co-occurrence Data Records========= Example (2) ジョブキュー 3c801d job queue ジョブ待ち行列[ジョブマチギョウレツ] in computing, input queue, hold queue and output queue 入力待ち及びホールド待ち及び出力待ちの状 態にある行列 保持する 3bc7cc holding 保持[ホジ] the act of keeping something as it is そのままの状態で持ち続けること 11-23 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY object ================================================================================ 11.6.1. Words With Noun Attributes The first portion of the record is made up of the nominal headword and its related semantic information. The nominal headword is noun, pronoun or other word with noun attributes. When the headword is a word that is not registered in the Japanese Technical Terms Dictionary, the semantic information portion of the record for the headword contains the word 'NULL'. 11.6.2. Words With Verbal Attributes The second portion of the record is made up of the verbal headword and its related semantic information. The verbal headword is a verb, adjective, adjectival noun or other word that serves as the predicate. When the headword is a word that is not registered in the Japanese Technical Terms Dictionary, the semantic information portion of the record for the headword contains the word 'NULL'. 11.6.3. Surface-Level Case The surface case particle relating the nominal headword and the verbal headword is given in the surface case field. 11.6.4. Deep-level Case A concept relation label indicating the deep-level relation between the nominal headword and the verbal headword is given in the deep-level case field. Co-occurrence relations other than verb and noun are also described. Below is a list of concept relation labels used in the Japanese Technical Terms Co- occurrence Data. Relation Label: agent 'That which acts on its own volition and is the subject that brings about and action. Person acting on his or her own volition or independent body is the subject. Computer or computing devices and processes are considered independent bodies.' Example Sentence: ユーザが計算機に入力する。 Co-occurrence Data: ユーザ が 入力する agent Relation Label: object 'That which is affected by an action or change' Example Sentence: システムを開発する Co-occurrence Data: システム を 開発する object Relation Label: beneficiary 'Beneficiary (receiver) of an action or occurrence' Example Sentence: ユーザのために開発する 11-24 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY Co-occurrence Data: ユーザ のために 開発する beneficiary Relation Label: a-object 'That which has a particular attribute' Example Sentence: ロバストなシステム Co-occurrence Data: システム + ロバスト a-object Relation Label: manner 'Way in which an action or change occurrs' Example Sentence: 高速に通信する Co-occurrence Data: 高速 に 通信する manner Relation Label: implement 'That which is used in an action such as tools or other implements' Example Sentence: ESPで開発する Co-occurrence Data: ESP で 開発する implement Relation Label: material 'That which is used to make up something' Example Sentence: RISCチップで開発する Co-occurrence Data: RISCチップ で 開発する material Relation Label: time 'Time at which something occurrs' Example Sentence: 8時に立ち上げる Co-occurrence Data: 8時 に 立ち上げる time Relation Label: time-from 'Time at which something begins' Example Sentence: 8時から使用する Co-occurrence Data: 8時 から 使用する time-from Relation Label: time-to 'Time at which something ends' Example Sentence: 8時まで使用する Co-occurrence Data: 8時 まで 使用する time-to Relation Label: place 'Place (physical location) at which something occurs ' Example Sentence: 日本で開発する Co-occurrence Data: 日本 で 開発する place Relation Label: source 'Location from which an event or occurrence begins' Example Sentence: フロッピから入力する Co-occurrence Data: フロッピ から 入力する source Relation Label: goal 'Location from which an event or occurrence ends' Example Sentence: プリンタに出力する Co-occurrence Data: プリンタ に 出力する goal Relation Label: scene 'Place (abstract location) at which something occurs' Example Sentence: このシステムは柔軟性に欠ける Co-occurrence Data: 柔軟性 に 欠ける scene Relation Label: quantity 'Amount (quantity) of a thing, action, or change' Example Sentence: ディスクを1GB拡張する Co-occurrence Data: 1GB + 拡張する quantity Relation Label: purpose 'Purpose or reason for an action or occurrence' Example Sentence: 科学計算のために高速化する 11-25 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY Co-occurrence Data: 科学計算 のために 高速化する purpose Relation Label: cause 'Reason of/for an occurrence' Example Sentence: たった1個のバグのためにダウンした。 Co-occurrence Data: バグ のために ダウンする cause Relation Label: basis 'That which is used as the standard of comparison' Example Sentence: パソコンより速い Co-occurrence Data: パソコン より 速い basis 11.7. English Technical Terms Co-occurrence Data The English Technical Terms Co-occurrence Data basically describes the co- occurrence relation between English words used in information processing. The records of the English Technical Terms Co-occurrence Data is composed of the record number, the nominal headword, deep-level case, verbal headword, surface- level case and management information. =====Structure of Records in the English Technical Terms Co-occurrence Data===== :Record type and identifier number :(Section 11.7.1) :Stem form of word with suffix ending :Number that uniquely identifies the concept :Headword that represents concept. (Provided for content words only.) :English headword that represents concept :Japanese headword that represents concept :Written explanation of concept (Provided for content words only.) :Concept explication in English :Concept explication in Japanese :(Section 11.7.3) :(Section 11.7.2) :Headword with its suffix ending :Number that uniquely identifies the concept :Headword that represents concept. (Provided for content words only.) :English headword that represents concept 11-26 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY :Japanese headword that represents concept :Written explanation of concept (Provided for content words only.) :Concept explication in English :Concept explication in Japanese :(Section 11.7.4) :Information for dictionary development management :Management information such as date of creation or record update ================================================================================ ==========Example of English Technical Terms Co-occurrence Data Records========= Example (1) storage 0da3ff storage O1 swap 3c80b0 swap スワップ an act of changing virtual storage 仮想記憶領域を交換すること object ================================================================================ ==========Example of English Technical Terms Co-occurrence Data Records========= 11-27 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY Example (2) DBMS 3c8890 database management system DBMS[DBMS] the collection of hardware and software that organizes and provides access to a database named the database management system データベース管理システムという,排他制 御,リカバリ機能によってデータを総合管理 するシステム in store 2f0fd0 store place ================================================================================ 11.7.1. Words With Noun Attributes The first portion of the record is made up of the nominal headword and its related semantic information. The nominal headword is noun, pronoun or other word with noun attributes. When the headword is a word that is not registered in the English Technical Terms Dictionary, the semantic information portion of the record for the headword contains the word 'NULL'. 11.7.2. Words With Verbal Attributes The second portion of the record is made up of the verbal headword and its related semantic information. The verbal headword is a verb, adjective, or 11-28 EDR ************************************************* TECHNICAL TERMS DICTIONARY other word that serves as the predicate. When the headword is a word that is not registered in the English Technical Terms Dictionary, the semantic information portion of the record for the headword contains the word 'NULL'. 11.7.3. Surface-Level Case The surface case relation between the nominal headword and the verbal headword is given in the surface-level case field with one of the five codes listed below. The codes are based on the five different sentence patters in English and prepositions. ______________________ Code___Interpretation_ S Subject D Direct Object O1 Direct Object 1 O2 Direct Object 2 I______Indirect_Object 11.7.4. Deep-level Case The deep-level case labels used in the English Technical Terms Co- occurrence Data are the same as those used in the Japanese Technical Terms Co- occurrence Data. For the full list of labels refer to 11.6.4. 11.a Tables None. 11-29