A Novel Route To Molecular Self-Assembly:
Self-Intermixed Monolayer Phases

Michael de Wild, Simon Berner, Hitoshi Suzuki, Hisao Yanagi, Derck Schlettwein, Stanislav lvan,
AIexis Baratoff, Hans-Joachim Guentherodt, and Thomas A. Jung


@Self-organized systems are in the focus of nanotechnology research because of their potential use in the "bottom-up" creation of functional supramolecular structures. Self-assem-bling systems will be required in order to efficiently produce nanoscale molecular electronic devices and patterned molecular layers for a broad range of applications such as molecular data storage. Molecular self-assembly has been shown to depend on intermolecular and on molecule-substrate interactions. For example, the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique relies on the weak van der Waals interaction of long hydrophobik molecules on top of a water surface, whereas the formation of self -assembled monolayers (SAMs) is driven by the strong selective bonding of a head group to a metal or a semiconductor surface.In this work, a novel route to self-assembly of highly perfect binary molecular monolayers on a metallic surface through competing noncovalent interactions is presented