2005年 電子情報通信学会総合大会

Reliable Self-Replicating Machines in Asynchronous Cellular Automata

李  佳 (Jia Lee),足立 進 (Susumu Adachi), Ferdinand Peper

1 Introduction

Research on self-replicating machines in cellular automata (CA) was initiated by von Neumann[1] who thought that a self-replicating machine should integrate its description as a "gene" in itself, such that the machine can replicate itself by processing its description to construct the body, then copying its description to its daughter. This principle has been followed and extended by Langton and other researchers[2, 3, 4], motivaed by clarifying the fundamental mechanism of selfreplication involved in realworld biological systems, as well as building plausible artificial self-replicating machines.  However, most already-known selfeplicating machines are based on synchronous cellular automata in which all cells are updated simultaneously in discrete time steps. Relaxing the synchronous updating in CA leads us to asynchronous cellular automata, an example of which is the one such that at every time step each cell assumes a certain probability p (0 < p < 1) to be updated. Due to the randomness in the updating of cells, these alreadyknown self-replicating machines will collapse if embedding them directly in asynchronous CA. So the question arise; whether reliable self-replicating machines can be realized in asynchronous CA.
  In this presentation, we propose an synchronous CA capable of reliable Self-replication of patterns.