
Crossover from Efros−Shklovskii variable range hopping
to nearest-neighbor hopping in silicon nanocrystal random network

Mitsuru Inada, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Manabu Gibo, Rieko Ueda, Ikurou Umezu,
Shukichi Tanaka, Tadashi Saitoh, Akira Sugimura


We investigate how random structure affects the electrical transport of a silicon nanocrystal network. The temperature dependence of conductivity follows G ~ exp[−(T0/T)1/2] between 70 and 160 K. By using T0 = 5765 K obtained by data fitting, the electron localization length is estimated to be 4.1 nm, which corresponds to the mean diameter of silicon nanocrystals. Above 160 K, G follows Arrhenius-like behavior. These temperature dependences are well described by Efros−Shklovskii variable range hopping (ES VRH) with a Coulomb gap and nearest-neighbor hopping (NNH). A crossover between ES VRH and NNH is observed at 160 K.

Doi: 10.7567/APEX.8.105001