NICT ナノ機能集積プロジェクト:Abstract

One-colour control of activation, excitation and deactivation of a fluorescent diarylethene derivative in super-resolution microscopy

Yuhei Arai, Syoji Ito, Hajime Fujita, Yusuke Yoneda, Takahiro Kaji,
Satoshi Takei, Ryota Kashihara, Masakazu Morimoto, Masahiro Irie, Hiroshi Miyasaka


We demonstrated one-colour control of activation, excitation and deactivation of a fluorescent diarylethene derivative by using a 532 nm CW laser at a weak output power. This one-colour control method was applied to single-molecule tracking in polymer films over a total duration of a few hours at room temperature and PALM for the nanostructures of polymer systems.

Graphical abstract
