NICT ナノ機能集積プロジェクト:Abstract

Evaluation of Thermal Stability of Organic Electro-Optic
Device by Using Thermally Stimulated Current

Ryoma Ikemoto, Dai Taguchi, Takaaki Manaka, Mitsumasa Iwamoto
Toshiki Yamada, Akira Otomo


Thermally stimulated current (TSC) measurement was employed to study the thermal stability of electro-optic (EO) polymers, i.e., guest/host polymer DR1/PMMA and side-chain polymer PMMA-co-DR1. Here the isothermal relaxation test showed that the relaxation time τ (85 °C) of side-chain polymer PMMA-co-DR1 is longer than that of guest/host polymer DR1/PMMA. TSC peaks appeared symmetrically in proportion to the poling electric field E p, indicating that DR1 molecules make a dominant contribution to dipolar depolarization. Thermal sampling (TS) method showed that the activation energy of the DR1/PMMA is around 1 eV, while that of the PMMA-co-DR1 is distributed > 1 eV. Results suggested that side-chain polymer is preferable to the guest/host polymer in the thermal stability. TSC measurement is helpful as a conventional method for studying the life time of EO polymers in terms of dipolar motion.

doi: 10.1166/jnn.2016.12282