"swp2ga" is a program to convert NCAR SOLO's swp format files into 4-byte binary files for GrADS. The purpose of this program is not only to display data using GrADS, but also to help an advanced radar data analysis (e.g. dual-Doppler) following a basic analysis by SOLO. A simple binary output will be useful to develop your original program.
(1) uncompress and extract files from the archive > zcat swp2ga.tar.gz | tar xvf - or > tar xvzf swp2ga.tar.gz (2) compile (*) > make (3) copy the executing file ("swp2ga") into an appropriate directory, if you need. (e.g., > cp -p swp2ga /usr/local/bin/) * Supported platforms: Linux(2.0.35), Sun4(Solaris 2.5) compiler: gcc (I hope this program works well on the other platforms.)
usage: swp2ga -i [input file(s)] : possible to use wild card (ex. swp.*) (-o [output path/file] : if not, name automatically (gart.)) (-p [output parameter(s)] : (ex. -p DM DZ VR ) (-f [fixed num of rays] : fixed output dimension (Num of AZ data) (-c : output GrADS ctl file ) (-v : be verbose ) (-t : output text-form file ) (-h -help : show this usage ) (1) You must designate input file(s) including a correct path. Plural input files are divided by a blank space. File name substitution (wild card: *, ?, [0-5]) may be useful. Maximum input file number is 252. This limitation may depend on the argument number limitation in your shell. (2) If -o command is omitted, output files are named automatically (swp. -> gart.), and are outputted on the current directory. To designate output directory, the last character must be '/'. (3) If -p command is omitted, all included parameters are outputted. Plural parameter names are divided by a blank space. (4) To fix the output dimension of number of rays (data number in azimuth direction in the case of PPI), you can use -f command. The fixed dimension will simplify a following fortran program. (5) To make a GrADS data descriptor file (ctl file) automatically, you can use the command -c. (6) To output in the text format, this option should be added. Each element is saved in different files. Extension flag indicates an element of each file. --- << Added by Yuuki Honda. Thanks! >> (7) To check header information, you may use the command -v.
If you see the following message from swp2ga execution, ---------------------------------------------------------- included data dims: 13(params) * 244(rays) * 280(cells) output parameters: VE DM DZ (3 params) output data size: 3 * 245 * 283 * 4 byte ---------------------------------------------------------- you can read the contents of the outputted data using imax=283 (num_of_cells+3), jmax=245 (num_of_rays+1), and kmax=3 (num_of_parameters) as rtdat(imax,jmax,kmax) in fortran, or rtdat[kmax][jmax][imax] in c. Remark that "i=1 means the observation time [second in the day]", "i=2 means the azimuth angle [degree]", "i=3 means the elevation angle [degree]", and 'j=1 means the distance from the radar [m]" Please see the sample program of ./sample/dow2d.f, or the sample GrADS script of ./sample/swp2ga_disp.gs
(1) To prepare GrADS environment (see GrADS documents in detail) > cp -p sample/*.gs ~/grads_script/ > setenv GASCRP ~/grads_script ----> can write in your .cshrc (2) To execute the swp2ga, and display the output using GrADS > swp2ga -i ~/swp_data/swp.97062400*.0.5 -o ~/ga_data/ -p DM DZ NCP DCZ VE SW -c > cd ~/ga_data > grads -lc "run swp2ga_disp gart.970624001234.DOW2.0.5.ctl" (3) To execute a sample program, and display the output using GrADS > vi dow2d.f ------> edit IMAX, JMAX, KMAX, and so on. > g77 dow2d.f -o dow2d > cd ~/ga_data > dow2d -----> input file: gart.970624001234.DOW2.0.5 output file: gaxy.970624001234.DOW2.0.5 > grads -pc "run swp2ga_disp_6panels gaxy.970624001234.DOW2.0.5.ctl"