Decision Concerning the Key Stone Project

The Key Stone Project is a program to apply the most advanced space techniques to study the crustal deformation around Tokyo using VLBI, SLR and GPS. All the facilities worked properly with some advanced functions such as real-time VLBI and an automated, remotely controlled SLR system. All three systems have produced invaluable data. Since the project, however, is time limited, it was decided that the Keystone project will be terminated at the end of March in 2001. The planned lifetime of the project has almost passed, although it is one year shorter than originally anticipated. Budget limitations also played a part in this decision. The decision was already announced at a formal committee in Japan.

We have found no alternative institute to continue the function of regular geodetic observations. In March of 2001, all the facilities in Miura and Tateyama will be dismantled because the rented land that they occupy must be returned to the owner. A part of the operation will be finished even before the end of March 2001. The VLBI, SLR and GPS facilities of the Koganei and Kashima stations will remain available to be exploited in future experiments. We encourage utilization of the Key Stone data taken in the past. All these data is freely available.

Taizoh Yoshino
Project Leader
Keystone Project Team
Communications Research Laboratory
Tel: +81-42-327-7560
Fax: +81-42-327-6077
E-mail: yosh(AT)

Updated on June 2, 2000. Return to CONTENTS