
高橋冨士信氏宛に贈られたNASA長官賞の文面は以下の通り。 同様な表彰状は、当時VLBI研究の先頭に立って 活躍してきた川口則幸氏、川尻矗大氏、河野宣之氏にも贈られた。

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Presents the
Group Achievement Award
Fujinobu Takahashi

The Great Alaska and Pacific
VLBI Experiment Team (GAPE)

In recognition of the outstanding accomplishments of the GAPE team composed of members from six countries, during the summer of 1984 in completing a pioneering set of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) measurements from sites in remote regions of Alaska, Canada and the Pacific and including Europe and Japan which have added a large and significant data set in the study of the earth's crustal dynamics.

Signed and sealed at Washington, D.C.
this eleventh day of December
Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five
James M. Beggs
Administrator, NASA