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Otsubo et al. (1994) have developed an analysis software package based on Java named CONCERTO4 which enables the user to consistently process SLR, GPS, and other satellite tracking data. Driven by the need to update the software the whole pacakge has been redesigned in C++ and VLBI has been added as an additional space geodetic technique. The new analysis package is named c5++ and supports the latest IERS conventions (2010) as well as other sophosticated geophysical models for highest accuarcy.
Developer Team

c5++ in developed among three Japanese research groups which are located at Hitotsubashi University, NICT and JAXA.
Current users
The current list of users includes:
* Hitotsubashi University, Japan
* NICT, Japan
* JAXA, Japan
* GSI, Japan
* AUT, New Zealand
* Kyoto University, Japan
* Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan