Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie
Fundamentalstation Wettzell
D-93444 Koetzting, GERMANY
Email: hase(AT)wettzell.ifag.de
The Transportable Integrated Geodetic Observatory (TIGO) is a fundamental station for geodesy. All relevant sensors for space geodesy like VLBI radiotelescope, SLR telescope, GPS receiver and additional devices like time and frequency standards, a super conducting gravity meter, seismometer, meteorological sensors are collocated at one site. The local geometrical tie is provided by a local survey. A possible reoccupation of a previous TIGO site demands special considerations for the construction of a transportable observatory. The advantage of TIGO is its transportability, which allows to occupy sites in areas in the southern hemisphere and also to react in a flexible manner to changing situations concerning the geographical distribution of the contributors within the ITRF. The method of the largest empty circle allows to find new site candidates to achieve successively a homogeneous distribution.