The Asia Pacific region covers the convergence zone of four main tectonic plates. It is characterized by complex tectonic reactions often with devastating impacts on its dense human population. The objective of the Asia Pacific Space Geodynamics (APSG) program is to integrate cooperative research in plate tectonics, crustal motion and deformation and sea level changes in the region. The program encompasses all geodetic techniques in its scope and encourages the integration of collocated observatories to provide the best homogeneous depiction of the Geodynamics of the region.
GPS is a major tool for densifying Geodynamic information between primary collocated static sites. The second meeting of APSG in May1998 identified more than seven different GPS campaign networks in the region and non-identical results from these suggested some anomalies in ITRF96. APSG initiated a coordinating project to unite current GPS campaigns by the exchange and processing of data from key sites to build compatibility and to strengthen the regional reference frame. The results of the individual campaigns will be presented at the next APSG meeting in Tsukuba in October 1999 and subsequently a combined solution for submission to IERS for use in ITRF98 will be considered.