Asia-Pacific Telescope 22GHz VLBI Experiment in October 1997

T. Sasao, D.L. Jauncey, and APT Group

An international 22GHz VLBI experiment was carried out from 00:00 UT October 1 through 24:00 UT October 5, 1997, for the first time in the framework of the Asia-Pacific Telescope (APT). Following stations participated in the experiment.

Name Aperture VLBI system Observed
Mopra 22m S2 fully
Tidbinbilla 70 S2 partly
Hobart 26 S2 fully
Shanghai 25 S2 1 day
Kashima 34 VSOP 2.5 days
Kagoshima 6 VSOP fully
Mizusawa 10 VSOP mostly

Strong water-maser and continuum sources W49N, Ori-KL, OV-236 and 3C279 were observed on the first day for the performance test of the new VLBI array. Rest of the days were used for 22GHz VLBI survey of 186 maser and continuum sources for HALCA/VSOP.

Fringes on Japanese baselines were detected at Mitaka FX correlator and fringes on Australian and Chinese baselines were detected with S2 correlator at Epping in October-November, 1997. Tape copying from S2 to VSOP and full processing of the intercontinental data started at Mitaka in mid-April of 1998 and were completed recently. The correlated results are checked and distributed for later analysis.