◆ 2013年度 研究論文


  1. S. Miki, T. Yamashita, H. Terai and Z. Wang, "High performance fiber-coupled NbTiN superconducting nanowire single photon detectors with Gifford-McMahon cryocooler", Opt Express, Vol.21, No.8, pp10208-10214, 2013
  2. T. Yamashita, S. Miki, H. Terai and Z. Wang, "Low-filling-factor superconducting single photon detector with high system detection efficiency", Opt Express, Vol.21, No.22, pp27177-27184, 2013
  3. R. Ikuta, T. Kobayashi, H. Kato, S. Miki, T. Yamashita, H. Terai, M. Fujiwara, T. Yamamoto, M. Sasaki, Z. Wang, M. Koashi and N. Imoto, "Observation of two output light pulses from a partial wavelength converter preserving phase of an input light at a single-photon level", Opt Express, Vol.21, No.23, pp27865-27872, 2013
  4. Z. Wang, H. Terai, W. Qiu, K. Makise, Y. Uzawa, K. Kimoto and Y. Nakamura, "High-quality epitaxial NbN/AlN/NbN tunnel junctions with a wide range of current density", Appl Phys Lett , Vol.102, No.14, pp142604, 2013
  5. S. Chen, D. Liu, L. You, Y. Wang, L. Qiu, X. Xie, M. Jiang, T. Chen, Y. Liu, S. Miki and Z. Wang, "Superconducting nanowire single-photon detection system and demonstration in quantum key distribution", Chinese Sci Bull , Vol.58, No.10, pp1145-1149, 2013
  6. B. Shinozaki, K. Hidaka, S. Ezaki, K. Makise, T. Asano, S. Tomai, K. Yano and H. Nakamura, "Crossover from weak localization to anti-weak localization in indium oxide systems with wide range of resistivity", J Appl Phys , Vol.113, No.15, pp153707, 2013
  7. S. Isshiki, Y. Nagata, G. Oohata, A. Kawakami, S. Saito and K. Mizoguchi, "Characteristics of coherent transverse optical phonon in CuI thin films on Au nano-films", Eur Phys J B, Vol.86, No.4, pp172, 2013
  8. K. Makise, H. Terai, S. Miki, T. Yamashita and Z. Wang, "Design and Fabrication of All-NbN SFQ Circuits for SSPD Signal Processing", IEEE T Appl Supercon, Vol.23, No.3, Part1, pp1100804, 2013
  9. S. Miyajima, T. Kusumoto, K. Ito, Y. Akita, I. Yagi, N. Yoshioka, T. Ishida, S. Miki, Z. Wang and A. Fujimaki, "High-Throughput RSFQ Signal Processor for a Neutron Diffraction System With Multiple MgB2 Detectors", IEEE T Appl Supercon, Vol.23, No.3, Part1, pp1800505, 2013
  10. H. Shimakage and Z. Wang, "Fabrication of Superconducting Nanowires MgB2 Thin Films ", IEEE T Appl Supercon, Vol.23, No.3, Part1, pp2200104, 2013
  11. D. K. Liu, L. X. You, S. J. Chen, X. Y. Yang, Z. Wang, Y. L. Wang, X. M. Xie and M. H. Jiang, "Electrical Characteristics of Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detector", IEEE T Appl Supercon, Vol.23, No.3, Part1, pp2200804, 2013
  12. I. Yagi, N. Yoshioka, H. Shishido, T. Yotsuya, S. Miki, Z. Wang and T. Ishida, "Current-Biased Transition Edge Detector of MgB2 Nanowires for Neutrons: Imaging by Scanning Laser", IEEE T Appl Supercon, Vol.23, No.3, Part1, pp2200904, 2013
  13. N. Yoshioka, I. Yagi, H. Shishido, T. Yotsuya, S. Miyajima, A. Fujimaki, S. Miki, Z. Wang and T. Ishida, "Current-Biased Kinetic Inductance Detector Using MgB2 Nanowires for Detecting Neutrons ", IEEE T Appl Supercon, Vol.23, No.3, Part 1, pp2400604, 2013
  14. T. Yamashita, S. Miki, H. Terai, K. Makise and Z. Wang, "Parallel Bias and Readout Techniques Toward Realization of Large-Scale SSPD Array With SFQ Circuit", IEEE T Appl Supercon, Vol.23, No.3, Part1, pp2500804, 2013
  15. R. Jin, K. Wakui, R. Shimizu, H. Benichi, S. Miki, T. Yamashita, H. Terai, Z. Wang, M. Fujiwara and M. Sasaki, "Nonclassical interference between independent intrinsically pure single photons at telecommunication wavelength", Phys Rev A , Vol.87, No.6, pp063801, 2013
  16. R. Ikuta, T. Kobayashi, H. Kato, S. Miki, T. Yamashita, H. Terai, M. Fujiwara, T. Yamamoto, M. Koashi, M. Sasaki, Z. Wang. and N. Imoto, "Nonclassical two-photon interference between independent telecommunication light pulses converted by difference-frequency generation", Phys Rev A , Vol.88, No.4, pp042317, 2013
  17. K. Koshino, H. Terai, K. Inomata, T. Yamamoto, W. Qiu, Z. Wang, and Y. Nakamura, "Observation of the Three-State Dressed States in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics", Phys Rev Lett , Vol.110, No.26, pp263601, 2013
  18. R. Matsunaga, Y. Hamada, K Makise, Y. Uzawa, H. Terai, Z. Wang and R. Shimano, "Higgs Amplitude Mode in the BCS Superconductors Nb1-xTixN Induced by Terahertz Pulse Excitation", Phys Rev Lett , Vol.111, No.5, pp057002, 2013
  19. Y. Uzawa, Y. Fujii, A. Gonzalez, K. Kaneko, M. Kroug, T. Kojima, K. Kuroiwa, A. Miyachi, S. Saito, K. Makise, Z. Wang and S. Asayama, "Development and testing of Band 10 receivers for the ALMA project", Physica C, Vol.494, pp189-194, 2013
  20. K. Shimizu, T. Honjo, M. Fujiwara, T. Ito, K. Tamaki, S. Miki, T. Yamashita, H. Terai, Z. Wang and M. Sasaki, "Performance of Long-Distance Quantum Key Distribution over 90-km Optical Links Installed in a Field Environment of Tokyo Metropolitan Area;, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology , Vol.32, No.1, pp141-151, 2013
  21. B. Shinozaki, K. Hidaka, S. Ezaki, K. Makise, T. Asano, S. Tomai, K. Yano and H. Nakamura, "Electron weak localization and electron–electron interaction effects onmagneto-conductivity in In–Ga–Zn oxide films", Thin Solid Films , Vol.551, pp195-199, 2014
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