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Information Services Platform Laboratory

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The Information Services Platform Laboratory is working on the research and development of the information services platform that efficiently provides composite services to satisfy user requirements, by appropriately combining the technologies that manage large-scale information assets including the Web archive of several billion pages with the information service that uses those information assets. Today, with the development of cloud computing, information services provided through the Internet increase and diversify. We construct information assets by extracting valuable information from a variety of large amount of data obtained from Internet services, and develop a platform that provides access to the information assets as information services. Moreover, we achieve universal communications that overcome language and knowledge barriers by composing a variety of those information services according to user's situation. In addition, we develop the methodologies and techniques for controlling the network resources needed to make services adapt to real world situations in terms of scalability and real time performance.

Information Services Platform

The information services platform manages large-scale information assets complied from heterogeneous data resources. With the information services platform, users can search for appropriate information services and effectively compose new services to satisfy their requirements and increase the value and utilization of information assets. Furthermore, the platform enhances the development of information analysis services by helping users discover correlations among large-scale and diverse data such as science data on the global environment. We harvest and analyze data provided by various research organizations, newspaper articles and Web contents describing society, and cross-search and integrate data related to various events and phenomena. Moreover, composition of these services enables users to develop applications adaptive to changing environments, such as events and disasters in the real world.

Research and Development Theme

  • Search and integration across multi-domain, heterogeneous and extra-large data resources
  • Gathering and analysis of service usage-context information
  • Information service discovery and composition according to user requirements
  • End-to-end QoS control for information services
  • Interconnectivity and interoperability between service platforms