Progressive BKZ library
Progressive BKZ library

How to install and run the test program

Please ensure that you have already installed the following libraries. GCC, NTL, boost, GMP, GSL, and MPFR.

Step A: Download and extract the file

Step B: Install assistant subroutines from SVP Challenge and Ideal Lattice Challenge Generators. automatically executes the installing process, however, if it fails, please copy them manually as follows.

B1. From SVP Challenge generator, put tools.h to the "/external" directory.

B2. From Ideal Lattice Challenge generator, put ideal.h to the "/external" directory.

Besides, the following 2 files from Lattice Challenge and LWE Challenge are optionally required. Put them into the directory same as main.cpp. If you don't put it, the test program will skip several (not necessary) steps.

B3. The 600-dimensional challenge instance of Lattice Challenge. Please extract it.

B4. The (n,alpha)=(40,0.005) instance of LWE Challenge

Step C: Run "make" in the extracted directory.
Note: according to the compilers, some warning messages may be imported during the compiling process. Please ignore them if the file “a.out” is output successfully.

A possible output of the testing program is here (90KB)

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