The008th KARC Colloquium

The008th KARC Colloquium was ended. Thank you for the participation.

Date&Time Tuesday 8th January 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Place KARC, Small-Meeting Room in the building No. 1 (2F)
Lecturer "Perceptual plasticity, memory, and long-range interaction in early visual processing"
Speaker Mr.Yasuto TANAKA
Abstract Recent psychophysical and physiological studies have revealed dynamic interaction in early visual processing that induces neural plasticity (Karni and Sagi, 1991; Kapadia, Westheimer and Gilbert、1991).To study the plastic nature of spatial lateral interaction (Polat and Sagi, 1993, 1994; Ishai and Sagi, 1995) a forward masking paradigm was used to measure contrast sensitivity of Gabor signals for human observers. A brief presentation (90msec.) of low-contrast (near threshold) Gabor stimuli is found to produce a long-lasting memory trace, lowering target detection thresholds over 16.3 seconds, far beyond perceptual integration time (200msec.) The perceptual memory is specific to both global configurations (collinear; Tanaka and Sagi, 1998 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 95:12729-33). The memory trace depends on dynamic interactions between low-level stimulus properties such as orientation and contrast, and a higher-level gating process produced by temporal cues maximal at cue-lead time at 300 to 500msec. (Tanaka and Sagi, 2000 Vision Research 40:1089-1100). The gating process also improves contrast discrimination (Tanaka and Sagi, 1999) and strengthens long-range interaction achieved by lateral Gabor flankers (Polat and Sagi, 1993). Recently, we were able to specify long-term plasticity that persists over months by use of repetition of the memory gating consolidation of improved efficacy activating lateral interaction.
Language Japanese
Admission Free
Organizer Miyauchi or Shibahara