

開催日時 12月22日(月) 13:30-14:30
開催場所 KARC 第2研究棟 3F TV会議室
講演 「ナノメートルスケールの生産ラインの構築−モータタンパク質分子を用いて−」
講演者 ブルース P. ゲイバー博士 米国海軍研究所
講演概要 In the opening years of the 20th Century Henry Ford revolutionized manufacturing with the introduction of the industrial assembly line. Almost 100 years later we shall demonstrate a shift in that paradigm by reducing the size of the assembly line by nine orders of magnitude. Kinesin motors drive our Nano-Assembly Line by moving microtubules along guiding channels. The microtubules carry multiple copies of an acylase. As the microtubules are moved along the channels, they pass “workstations that contain polymer-bound acyl-FTIC. The acylase cleaves the acyl block from the fluorophore revealing regions of fluorescence as the microtubules move along the assembly line. This is a proof-of-principle experiment designed to demonstrate the general concept of moving active cargos with biomolecular motors to bring about specific and highly localized chemical and physical transformations on a micron scale. In our presentation we will discuss the specific design and construction of the assembly line and describe its performance metrics.
使用言語 英語
参加費 無料
担当者 KARC 生体物性グループ 大岩和弘