The058th KARC Colloquium

The058th KARC Colloquium was ended. Thank you for the participation.

Date&Time Wednesday May 11, 2005 14:00~16:00
Place Conference Room, 3F, Research Building 2, KARC
Lecturer "A computational system inspired by bio-chemical processes"
Speaker Dr. Hideaki Suzuki
(Network Informatics Laboratories, ATR / KARC, NICT)
Abstract In artificial chemistry, a new research approach inspires by chemical evolution on the ancient earth, we prepare an artificial enviornment for bio-chemical processes and try to make cellular structures or genetic information evolve in a computer. In this lecture, I will introduce a new method of artificial chemistry named `Network Artificial Chemistry' (NAC).In the NAC, the environment is purely represented by a network whose nodes stand for molecules or atomic clusters and whose edges represent such molecular interactions as collisions and bonds. By preparing appropriate passive/active rewiring rules, the NAC can emulate folding from a molecular chain to a data-flow cluster (protein) and the partitioning of a hydrophilic cluster. These being accomplished in a self-organizing way, the NAC can be a framework in which we can design a self-organizing computational machine inspired by bio-molecular processes.In the lecture, I explain the latest results and future research agenda of the NAC. If time is left, I also present a study that applied biochemical processes to optimization.
Language Japanese
Admission Free
Organizer Hideaki Suzuki
Kansai Advanced Research Center,National Institute of Information and Communications Technology