The 78th KARC Colloquium

The 78th KARC Colloquium was ended. Thank you for the participation.

Date&Time Monday April 24th, 2006 16:00-17:00
Place Conference Room, 3F, Research Building 2,Advanced ICT Research Center
Lecturer "Engineering a kinesin nano-shuttle"
Speaker Dr. Junichiro Yajima, Postdoctoral researcher
(Marie Curie Research Institute, Molecular motors group)
Abstracts To build a controllable kinesin-powered molecular shuttle is one way to create molecular communication. This shuttle is a device that will repeatedly bind a cargo, move it from point A to point B, and then (optionally) detach itself from the cargo and make the return journey. This designed goal presents significant engineering challenge: ideally, we would like external control over the velocity, power, direction, cargo-selectivity, and the binding and unbinding of cargo. To try to address the challenge we are exploiting the power of DNA self-assembly as both an engineering material and as a control element and deciphering the mechanism that allow individual molecular motors within teams to communicate through intra-molecule interactions. In our presentation, we will discuss mainly the mechanism of force generation of single-headed kinesins, which bring the ability to module of structure from one place to another, and also a proof of principle experiment using a self-assembling DNA.
Language Japanese
Admission Free
Organizer Shiori Toba,
Biological ICT Group, Advanced ICT Research Center,National Institute of Information and Communications Technology