The123th KARC Colloquium

Date&Time 25 December 2015(Fri) 14:00-16:00
Place Conference Room, 3F, Research Building 2, Advanced ICT Research Institute
Lecturer Sparse modeling and data driven science
Speaker Dr. Masato Okada,
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Abstract In this talk, I mention basic concept of the sparse modeling, and present a few examples explaining that sparse modeling promotes extraction of latent structure of observed data in physics, neuroscience, biology and so on. I introduce a project, called “the Initiative for High-dimensional Data-Driven Science through Deepening of Sparse Modeling ”. The aim of this project is to establish a novel framework to make the tight connection of information science to the original purpose of data analysis derived from various scientific disciplines, namely, data-driven science. Through the project, we have become convinced that the three levels pointed out by David Marr give a novel insight into data-driven science, and propose three levels of data-driven science [1].
[1] Igarashi, Nagata, Kuwatani, Omori, Nakanishi-Ohno and Okada, “Three Levels of Data-Driven Science”, submitted to Proc. of HD3-2015, 2015.
Language Japanese
Admission Free
Organizer Yasushi Naruse,
Associate Director of,Brain Imaging Technology Laborator,Center for Information and Neural Networ, NICT