
開催日時 平成30年12月6日(木) 13:30 〜 15:00
開催場所 未来ICT研究所 第2研究棟 3F テレビ会議室2
講演 How myosins move
講演者 University of Leeds, UK
Prof. Peter Knight
講演概要 What are the mechanisms used by proteins that function as motors to move cargoes inside cells or to produce external movements such as muscle contraction and the beating of flagella? What are the principles by which activity is regulated in these systems? How is the complex macromolecular complex of the muscle myofibril assembled and how does turnover of protein molecules occur within it? To address these questions, Dr. Knight is running research projects focusing on ‘Mechanisms of regulation of myosin activity’, ‘Properties and roles of single stable alpha helical domains’, and ‘Molecular mechanism of dynein’. In this colloquium, Dr. Knight is going to give a talk about ‘How myosins move’ which covers their recent work on the mechanism of myosin-5 stepping and on the role of its stable single-alpha helices (SAH) domains.
使用言語 英語
参加費 無料
担当者 情報通信研究機構 未来ICT研究所
フロンティア創造総合研究室 小嶋 寛明