(ONLY available for participants of the IWSLT 2008 evaluation campaign)
The corpus contains the training and test data sets, the reference translations, the MT outputs, and the automatic/subjective evaluation results.
End-User License Agreement |
In order to get access to the corpus, please follow the procedure below. Access will be enabled AFTER we received your original signed license agreement.
- download the user license agreement, sign it, and send it two copies back to:
Michael Paul
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Knowledge Creating Communciation Research Center
MASTAR Project
Language Translation Group
2-2-2 Hikaridai, "Keihanna Science City"
Kyoto 619-0288, Japan
- download the corpus files using the ID and Password you obtained for the download of the training data files for IWSLT 2008.
Other Resources
- links to external resources provided by IWSLT participants - restoring punctuation and case information in MT output
Templates for LaTeX/MSWord
- LaTeX style: iwslt08.sty
- Example document: template.tex
- Example document PS: template.ps
- Example document PDF: template.pdf
- Bibliography style: IEEEtran.bst
- MS-Word template: template.doc