Title: Discovering Knowledge Hidden in Raster Images using RasterMiner
In this talk, we present rasterMiner an integrated open-source software to discover knowledge from raster imagery datasets. It currently provides unsupervised learning techniques, such as pattern mining and clustering, to discover knowledge hidden in raster
data. The key features of our software are as follows: (i) provides four pattern mining algorithms and four clustering algorithms to discover knowledge from raster data, (ii) Our software also provides
"elbow method" to choose an appropriate ?? value for k-mean and kmeans++ algorithms, (iii) Our software presents an integrated GUI that can facilitate the domain experts to choose algorithm(s) of their
choice, (iv) Our software can also be accessed as a python-library, (v) The knowledge discovered by our software can be stored in standard formats so that the generated knowledge can be visualized
using any GIS software
Invited Talk
Title: Multimodal Virtual Avatars for Investigative Interviews with Children
Speaker: Michael Alexander Riegler, Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering, Norway
In this article, we present our ongoing work in the field of training police officers who conduct interviews with abused children. The objectives in this context are to protect vulnerable children from abuse, facilitate prosecution of offenders, and ensure that innocent adults are not accused of criminal acts. There is therefore a need for more data that can be used for improved interviewer training to equip police with the skills to conduct high quality interviews. To support this important task, we propose to research a training program that utilizes different system components and multimodal data from the field of artificial intelligence such as chatbots, generation of visual content, text-to-speech, and speech-to-text. This program will be able to generate an almost unlimited number of interviews and training data. The goal of combining all these different technologies and datatypes is to create an immersive and interactive child avatar that responds in a realistic way, to help to support training of police interviewers, but can also produce synthetic data of interview situations that can be used to solve different problems in the same domain.
9:00 - 9:10am: Welcome
Morning Section
Session Chair: Thanh-Binh Nguyen (University of Science, Vietnam)
9:10am - 9:30am: Cross-Modal Deep Neural Networks based Smartphone Authentication for Intelligent Things System
Authors: Tran Anh Khoa, Dinh Nguyen The Truong, Duc N. M. Dang, (Ton Duc Thang University)
9:30am - 9:50am: Models to Predict Sleeping Quality from Activities and Environment: Current Status, Challenges and Opportunities
Authors: Thi Phuoc Van Nguyen, Do Van Nguyen, Koji Zettsu (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT))
9:50am - 10:10am: Investigation on Privacy-Preserving Techniques For Personal Data
Authors: Rafik Hamza, Koji Zettsu, (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
10:10am - 10:35am: ST-HOI: A Spatial-Temporal Baseline for Human-Object Interaction Detection in Videos
Authors: Meng-Jiun Chiou, (National University of Singapore), Chun-Yu Liao, Li-Wei Wang, (ASUS Intelligent Cloud Services), Roger Zimmermann, Jiashi Feng, (National University of Singapore)
10:40am - 12:00pm: Keynote
Speaker: Professor Rage Uday Kiran, Aizu University, Japan
Lunch Break
1:00pm - 2:00pm: Invited Talk
Speaker: Michael Alexander Riegler, Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering, Norway
Afternoon Section
Session Chair: Duc-Tien Dang-Nguyen (Bergen University, Norway)
2:00pm - 2:25pm: Temperature Forecasting using Tower Networks
Authors: Siri S. Eide, (Norwegian Meteorological Institute), Michael A. Riegler, (SimulaMet), Hugo L. Hammer, (Oslo Metropolitan University), John Bj rnar Bremnes, (Norwegian Meteorological Institute)
2:25pm - 2:50pm: Scattering Transform Based Image Clustering using Projection onto Orthogonal Complement
Authors: Angel Villar-Corrales, (University of Bonn), Veniaming I. Morgenshtern, (Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-N rnberg)
2:50pm - 3:15pm: Pyramidal Segmentation of Medical Images using Adversarial Training
Authors: Espen Naess, Vajira Thambawita, Steven A. Hicks, Michael A. Riegler, Paal Halvorsen, (SimulaMet)
3:15pm - 3:40pm: Two-Faced Humans on Twitter and Facebook: Harvesting Social Multimedia for Human Personality Profiling
Authors: Qi Yang, (ITMO University), Aleksandr Farseev, (ITMO University & Research), Andrey Filchenkov, (ITMO University)
3:40pm - 4:00pm: Dutkat: A Multimedia System for Catching Illegal Catchers in a Privacy-Preserving Manner
Authors: Tor-Arne S. Nordmo, Aril B. Ovesen, (UiT The Arctic University of Norway), H vard D. Johansen, Michael A. Riegler, P l Halvorsen, (SimulaMet), Dag Johansen, (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
Section 3: Panel
Session Chair: Cathal Gurrin (Dublin City University, Ireland)
4:10pm - 5:10pm: Panel
5:10pm - 5:20pm: Best paper award and close