Welcome to the SEAMAI Special Session, MMM 2025 January 7-10, Nara, Japan

(SEAMAI)Simulating Edge Computing and Multimodal AI: A Benchmark for Real-World Applications

Terms of Use for Benchmarking Task Execution Environment

Article 1 (Purpose)

These terms and conditions are established to define the conditions under which the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (hereinafter referred to as "NICT") will provide its computing resources as the benchmarking task execution environment (hereinafter referred to as "the Environment") to participants of the benchmarking task.

Article 2 (Application for Use)

1. Applicants must apply to the organizer for participation in the benchmarking task and use of computing resources. Applications are accepted only via email. The email address is seamai@ml.nict.go.jp. Approval of the application will be communicated via email response.

2. The application form must include the following information: the name of the representative, the number of users, the name, email address, and affiliation of each user.

Article 3 (Usage Period)

1. The usage period is limited to the benchmarking task implementation period (July 19, 2024, to August 31, 2024).

2. If desired, the usage period can be extended until September 30, 2024. Extension applications must be submitted by email by August 23. The email address is seamai@ml.nict.go.jp. Approval of the extension will be communicated via email response.

Article 4 (Usage Method)

1. Users shall use the Environment in accordance with these terms and the guidelines separately set by NICT.

2. The use of the Environment is limited to activities related to the benchmarking task.

Article 5 (Prohibited Actions)

1. Using the Environment for purposes other than the benchmarking task.

2. Accessing external networks from the Environment.

3. Disclosing information on access methods or usage methods of the Environment to anyone other than the applicant.

4. Allowing anyone other than the applicant to use the Environment.

5. Actions that violate laws.

6. Actions that infringe the rights of third parties.

7. Any other actions deemed inappropriate by the organizer.

Article 6 (Suspension of Use)

1. The organizer may immediately suspend use if the user violates these terms.

2. The organizer is not responsible for any damages resulting from the suspension of use.

Article 7 (Disclaimer)

The organizer shall not be liable for any damages arising from the use of the Environment.

Article 8 (Amendment of Terms)

The organizer may amend these terms as necessary.

Article 9 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

These terms shall be governed by the laws of Japan, and any disputes arising between the users and NICT shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court having jurisdiction over the location of NICT as the court of first instance.