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Information Services Platform Laboratory

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Koji Zettsu

List of Publications

Book Chapter

  1. Tanaka, K., Kidawara, Y. and Zettsu, K.: Proceedings of International Workshop on Ubiquitous Data Management (UDM2005) (April,2005).
  2. Zettsu, K.:Aspect Discovery: Mining Context in World Wide Web, PhD dissertation (March, 2005).


  1. Yuhei Akahoshi, Koji Zettsu, Yutaka Kidawara, Katsumi Tanaka: Strucutural Approach for Service Composition based on Relational Model,Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXIII, pp.130-148, 2012
  2. Bernhard Thalheim, Koji Zettsu,Yutaka Kidawara, Elina Karttunen, and Hannu Jaakkola: Future Directions of Knowledge Systems Environments for Web 3.0, Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXII, IOS Press (2011) (to appear).
  3. Kyoung-Sook Kim, Koji Zettsu, Yutaka Kidawara and Yasushi Kiyoki: Moving Phenomenon: Aggregation and Analysis of Geotime-Tagged Contents on the Web, Transactions in GIS, Wiley (2010). (to appear)
  4. Takafumi Nakanishi, Koji Zettsu, Yutaka Kidawara and Yasushi Kiyoki: Interconnection of Heterogeneous Knowledge Base and its Application on Knowledge Grid, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (2010). (to appear)
  5. Kidawara Y., Zettsu, K., Kiyoki, Y. Jannaschk, K., Thalheim B., Linna, P., Jaakkola, H., and Duzi, M. arieDUŽÍ: Knowledge Modeling, Management and Utilization towards Next Generation Web, Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXI, IOS Press, pp.387-402 (March 2010).
  6. Nakanishi, T., Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y. and Kiyoki, Y.: A Context Dependent Dynamic Interconnection Method of Heterogeneous Knowledge Bases by Interrelation Management Function, Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXI, IOS Press, pp.208-225 (March 2010).
  7. Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y., and Kiyoki, Y.: Developing Next Generation Web as Collaboration Media, Infocommunications Journal, Vol. LXV., No. 2010/I, pp.15-19, Scientific Association for Infocommunications, Hungary (March, 2010).
  8. Jaakkola, H., Thalheim, B., Kidawara, Y., Zettsu, K., Xing Chen, Anneli Heimburger, A.: Information Modelling and Global Risk Management Systems, Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XX. IOS Press, pp.429-445 (March 2009).
  9. Zhang, R., Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y. and Kiyoki, Y.: A Decentralized Architecture for Resource Management of Group-based Distributed Systems. Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science in China (FCSC), pp.224-233 (2008).
  10. Zettsu, K., Nakanishi, T., Iwazume, M., Kidawara Y., and Kiyoki, Y.: Knowledge Cluster Systems for Knowledge Sharing, Analysis and Deliveryamong Remote Sites, Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XIX. IOS Press, pp.282–289 (March 2008).
  11. Shumian, He, Yukiko, Kawai, Yutaka, Kidawara, Koji, Zettsu and Katsumi, Tanaka: U-Cam: User-driven Control and Contents Presentation of Ubiquitous Camera in Real World (in Japanese), Information Processing Society of Japan Transactions on Databases, Vol 47, No. SIG8 (TOD30) ,pp.58-69 (June 2006).
  12. Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y. and Tanaka, K.: Discovering Aspects of Web Pages(in Japanese), DBSJ Letters, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp.15-18 (March, 2004).
  13. Zettsu, K. and Tanaka, K.: Extraction and Visualization of Image Contexts from Web (in Japanese), DBSJ Letters, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.99-102 (May, 2003).
  14. Ikeda, S., Zettsu, K., Oyama, S. and Tanaka, K.: Supporting Web Navigation By Presenting Surrounding Information (in Japanese), DBSJ Letters, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 139-142 (May, 2003).
  15. Kidawara, Y., Zettsu, K and Katsumoto, M.: Delivery for Ubiquitous Content Based on Device Cooperation (in Japanese), DBSJ Letters, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.19-22 (May, 2003).
  16. Zettsu, K., Uehara, K. and Tanaka, K.: Discovering Semantic Structure of Video Data (in Japanese), Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 12-23 (January, 2000).
  17. Zettsu, K., Uehara, K. and Tanaka, K.: A Time-stamped Authoring Graph for Video Scene Retrieval (in Japanese), Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 923-932 (April, 1998).

International Conference Papers

  1. Koji Zettsu, Eloy Gonzales, Bun Theang Ong, Yasuhiro Murayama: Cross-Database Search for Interdisciplinary Use of Large-Scale, Multi-Domain and Heterogeneous Databases, The 23rd International CODATA Conference, October 2012
  2. Eloy Gonzales, Xinpeng Zhang, Yuhei Akahoshi, Yasuhiro Murayama, Koji Zettsu: Data Citation Wiki for Harnessing Collective Intelligence on Document-to-Data Associations to Interdisciplinary Data Access, The 23rd International CODATA Conference
  3. Eloy Gonzales, Bun Theang Ong, Koji Zettsu: Optimized Class Association Rule Mining using Genetic Network Programming with Automatic Termination, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management, pp.102-107, October 2012
  4. Yohei Murakami, Masahiro Tanaka, Arif Bramantoro, Koji Zettsu: Data-Centered Service Composition for Information Analysis, Proceedings of the IEEE 9th International Conference on Service Computing (SCC2012), Industry and Application Track, pp.602-608, June 2012
  5. Masahiro Tanaka, Yohei Murakami, Koji Zettsu: Data-intensive Services for Large-scale Archive Access,Proceedings of the IEEE 9th International Conference on Service Computing (SCC2012), Industry and Application Track, pp.617-624, June 2012
  6. Arif Bramantoro, Toru Kamada, Masahiro Tanaka, Yohei Murakami, Koji Zettsu: Towards Service Atomization for Analyzing Information, Proceedings of the IEEE 19th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS2012), Work-in-Progress Track, pp.676-677, June 2012
  7. Eloy Gonzales, Koji Zettsu: Association Rule Mining from Large and Heterogeneous Databases with Uncertain Data using Genetic Network Programming, Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications, pp.74-80, March 2012
  8. Kyoung-Sook Kim, Ryong Lee, Koji Zettsu: mTrend: Discovery of Topic Movements on Geo-Microblogging Messages, Proceedings of the19th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information System, pp.529-532, (Demonstrations, Best demo runners-up), November 2011
  9. Tetsuo Toyomura, Takashi Kimata, Kyoung-Sook Kim, Koji Zettsu: Towards Information Service-Controlled Networking, Proceedings of the 5th International Universal Communication Symposium (IUCS2011), pp.155-163, October 2011
  10. Eloy Gonzales, Takafumi Nakanishi, Koji Zettsu: Large-Scale Association Rule Discovery from Heterogeneous Databases with Missing Values using Genetic Network Programming, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management, pp.113-120, October 2011
  11. Yuhei Akahoshi, Koji Zettsu, Yutaka Kidawara, Katsumi Tanaka: Strucutural Approach for Service Composition based on Relational Model, Proceedings of the 21st European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, June 2011
  12. Yuhei Akahoshi, Koji Zettsu, Yutaka Kidawara and Katsumi Tanaka: A Relation-Based Services Management Mechanism for Service Computing, In Proceedings of the 4th International Universal Communication symposium (October 2010).
  13. Rong Zhang, Koji Zettsu, Yutaka Kidawara, Yasuhi Kiyoki: Exploiting Web Service Usage Context to Facilitate Services Organization, Proceedings of the 7th Web Information Systems and Applications Conference (WISA2010), Huhehot, China (August 2010).
  14. Rong Zhang, Koji Zettsu, Yutaka Kidawara, Yusushi Kiyoki: Exploiting Service Context for Web Service Search Engine, Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, Jiuzhaigou, China (July 2010).
  15. Takafumi Nakanishi, Hidenori Homma, Kyoung-Sook Kim, Koji Zettsu, Yutaka Kidawara, Yasuhi Kiyoki: A Three-layered Architecture for Event-centric Interconnections among Heterogeneous Data Repositories and its Application to Space Weather,Proc. of the 20th European Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC 2010), Jyväskylä, Finland, pp.29-44 (June 2010). [acceptance rate 41%]
  16. Kyoung-Sook Kim, Takafumi Nakanishi, Hidenori Homma, Koji Zettsu, Yutaka Kidawara, and Yasushi Kiyoki: Phenomena A Phenomena-of-Interest Approach for the Interconnection of Sensor Data and Spatiotemporal Web Contents, Proc. of the 20th European Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC 2010), Jyväskylä, Finland, pp.298-310 (June 2010) [acceptance rate 70%]
  17. Kyoung-Sook Kim, Koji Zettsu, Yutaka Kidawara, and Yasushi Kiyoki: Phenomena-Based Management of Geotime-Tagged Contents on the Web, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications, Menuires, France (April 2010). [acceptance rate 29%]
  18. Kyoung-Sook Kim, Koji Zettsu, Yutaka Kidawara and Yasushi Kiyoki: StickViz: A New Visualization Tool for Phenomenon-based k-Neighbors Searches in Geosocial Networking Services, Proc. of the 12th International Asia-Pacific Web Conference (APWeb 2010), Busan, Korea (April 2010). [acceptance rate 33%]
  19. Kim K.-S., Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y. and Kiyoki, Y.: Moving Phenomenon: Aggregation and Analysis of Geotime-Tagged Contents on the Web, Proc. of the 9th Intl. Symp. on Web & Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS2009), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5886, pp.7-24, Maynooth, Ireland (December 2009) [Best Paper Award].
  20. Zettsu, K., Kim K.-S., Kidawara, Y. and Kiyoki, Y.:"Moving Phenomena Database Management System", Proc. of the 3rd Intl. Universal Communication Symp. (IUCS2009), pp.269-272 (December 2009).
  21. Zhang, R., Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y. and Kiyoki, Y.: "SOBEX: Distributed Service Search Engine that Exploits Service Collaboration Context'', Proc. of the 3rd Intl. Universal Communication Symp. (IUCS2009), pp.261-268 (December 2009).
  22. Nakanishi, T., Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y. and Kiyoki, Y.: "SAVVY Wiki: A Context-oriented Collaborative Knowledge Management System", Proc. of ACM Intl. Symp. on Wikis and Open Collaboration (Wikisym2009), P106 (October 2009). [acceptance rate 34%]
  23. Zhang, R., Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y. and Kiyoki, Y.: "Context-based Service Role Characterization", Proc. of the 5th Intl. Conf. on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG2009), pp.192-199 (September 2009). [acceptance rate 20%]
  24. Nakanishi, T. Zettsu, K., Y Kidawara, Y. and Kiyoki, Y.: “A Context Dependent Dynamic Interconnection Method of Heterogeneous Knowledge Bases by Interrelation Management Function”, In Proc. of the 19th European-Japanese conference on information modelling and knowledge bases (EJC 2009), pp210-227 (June 2009). [acceptance rate 35%]
  25. Kim K.-S., Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y. and Kiyoki, Y.: “Sticker: Searching and Aggregating User-generated Contents along with Trajectories of Moving Phenomna”, Proc. of the 10th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Mobile Data Management (MDM09), pp.365-366 (2009.5).
  26. Nakanishi, T., Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y., Kiyoki Y.: "SAVVY: A Semantic Associative Browsing System for Heterogeneous Knowledge Resources", In Proceeding of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-42), 10 pages (January, 2009).
  27. Nakanishi, T., Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y., Kiyoki, Y.: "A Vector Space Model on Hierarchical Structures with Dynamic Mapping Operator Creation“, In Proceeding of 2008 International Workshop on Web Information Retrieval Support Systems (WIRSS 2008), Sydney, Australia, pp. 45-49 (December, 2008)  [acceptance rate 24%].
  28. Nakanishi, T., Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y., Kiyoki Y.: "Approaching to Interconnection of Heterogeneous Knowledge Bases on a Knowledge Grid“, In Proceeding of The International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG 2008), Beijing, China, ), pp.71-78 (December, 2008)  [acceptance rate 25%].
  29. Nakanishi, T., Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y., Kiyoki, Y.: "Dynamic Cross-domain Link Creation for Interconnection of Heterogeneous Knowledge Bases", In Proceeding of Second International Symposium on Universal Communication (ISUC2008), Osaka, Japan, pp. 374-381 (December, 2008).
  30. Kim, K., Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y., and Kiyoki, Y.: Path Query Processing for Moving Objects on Road Networks, Proceedings of the Workshop on Mobile Information Retrieval (MobIR'08), pp.32-39 (July, 2008).
  31. Iwazume, M., Kaneiwa, K., Zettsu, K., Nakanishi, T., Kidawara, Y. and Kiyoki Y.: KC3Browser: Semantic Mashup and Link-free Browsing, The 17th International World Wide Web Conference, Beijing China, Poster No. 246 (2008).
  32. Zhang, R., Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y. and Kiyoki, Y.: SIKA: A Decentralized Architecturefor Knowledge Grid Resource Management, Proceedings of International Workshop onInformation-explosion and Next Generation Search (INGS2008), Shenyang, China (2008).
  33. Nakanishi, T., Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y. and Kiyoki Y.: Towards Interconnective KnowledgeSharing and Provision for Disaster Information Systems –Approaching to Sidoarjo Mudflow Disaster in Indonesia–, Proceedings of the 3rd Information and Communication Technology Seminar (ICTS2007), Surabaya, Indonesia, pp.332–339 (September 2007).
  34. Zettsu, K., Nakanishi, T., Iwazume, M., Kidawara Y., and Kiyoki, Y.: Knowledge Cluster Systems for Knowledge Sharing, Analysis and Deliveryamong Remote Sites, Proceedings of the 17th European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC2007), Pori, Finland,pp.286-293 (June 2007). [Invited Paper]
  35. Zettsu, K. and Kiyoki, Y.: Towards Knowledge Management based on Harnessing Collective Intelligence on the Web, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - Managing Knowledge in a World of Networks - (EKAW2006), Podebrady, Czech Republic, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4248 pp.350-357 (October, 2006) [acceptance rate 28%]
  36. He,S., Kawai, Y., Kidawara, Y. Zettsu, K. and Tanaka, K.: u-Cam: AUser-driven Control Mechanism for Ubiquitous Cameras and Its ContentManagement, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference onMobile Data Management (MDM'06), Nara, Japan (May, 2006) [acceptance rate 23.1%]
  37. Zettsu,K. and Tanaka, K.: Reconfigurable Search Engine for Exploiting SearchKnowledge, Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference onCreating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing (C5 2006), Berkeley, USA, pp.16-23, (January, 2006).
  38. Zettsu, K.. and Tanaka, K.: Referential Context Mining: Discovering Viewpoints from the Web, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM InternationalConference on Web Intelligence (WI'05), Compiegne, France, pp.321-325 (September, 2005). [acceptance rate 32%]
  39. Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y.and Tanaka, K.: Guiding Web Search by Third-party Viewpoints: BrowsingRetrieval Results by Referential Contexts in Web, Proceedings of the15th International Conference on Database and Expert SystemsApplications (DEXA2004), LNCS 3180, Zaragoza, Spain, pp. 894-903 (August/September, 2004). [acceptance rate 30%]
  40. Kidawara, Y.,Zettsu, K. and Tanaka, K.: Device Cooperative Web Browsing andRetrieving Mechanism on Ubiquitous Networks, Proceedings of the 15thInternational Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications(DEXA2004), LNCS 3180, Zaragoza, Spain, pp. 874-883 (August/September,2004). [acceptance rate 30%]
  41. Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y. and Tanaka,K.: Discovering Aspect-based Correlation of Web Contents forCross-media Information Retrieval, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEEInternational Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2004), Taipei,Taiwan (June, 2004).[acceptance rate 25%]
  42. Kidawara, Y. and Zettsu,K.: WebBoard: A New Display and Browsing Concept for Web Content inPublic Area, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference onMultimedia and Expo (ICME2004) (poster), Taipei, Taiwan (June, 2004).
  43. Zettsu,K., Kidawara, Y. and Tanaka, K.: Aspect Discovery: Web ContentsCharacterization by Their Referential Contexts, Proceedings of theSixth Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWeb'04), Hangzhou, China, pp.738-743 (April, 2004). [acceptance rate 19%]
  44. Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y. and Tanaka,K.: Discovering Aspects of Web Pages from Their Referential Contexts inthe Web, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on DatabaseSystems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2004),Jeju, Korea, pp.618-629(March, 2004).[acceptance rate 29%]
  45. Kidawara, Y. and Zettsu, K.:Operating Mechanism for Device Cooperative Content on UbiquitosNetworks, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Creating,Connecting and Collaborating through Computing (C5), Kyoto, Japan, pp.52-59 (January, 2004).
  46. Zettsu, K., Kidawara, Y. andTanaka, K.: Image Retrieval by Web Context: Filling the Gap betweenImage Keywords and Usage Keywords, Proceedings of the 14thInternational Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications(DEXA2003), LNCS 2736, Prague, Czech Republic, pp.579-588 (September,2003). [acceptance rate 39%]
  47. Kidawara, Y., Zettsu, K. and Katsumoto,M.: A Distribution Mechanism for an Active User Profile in a UbiquitousNetwork Environment, Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Rim Conference onCommunications, Computers and Signal Processing (PACRIM '03), Victoria,BC, Canada, pp. 181-184 (August, 2003).
  48. Zettsu, K.,Kidawara, Y. and Tanaka, K.: Retrieving Web Images based on their UsageContext for Augmenting Ubiquitous Contents, Proceedings of IEEE PacificRim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing(PACRIM '03), Victoria, BC, Canada, pp. 923-926 (August, 2003).
  49. Zettsu,K., Uehara, K. and Tanaka, K.: Semantic Structures for Video DataIndexing, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on AdvancedMultimedia Content Processing, pp. 361-375 (November, 1998). [acceptance rate 53%]
  50. Zettsu,K., Uehara, K. and Tanaka, K.: A Time-stamped Authoring Graph for VideoDatabases, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Databaseand Expert Systems Applications (DEXA97), LNCS 1308, Springer-Verlag,pp. 192-201 (September, 1997).[acceptance rate 39%]