• 2024.07.03-04

    Participation in GPAI Mid-year Summit and Global IndiaAI Summit 2024

    The GPAI Mid-year Summit was held in New Delhi, India on July 3-4, 2024, and Dr. HARAYAMA Yuko, Secretary General of the GPAI Tokyo Expert Support Center attended its main meetings together with representatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. India is the chair country of the GPAI in 2024 and held this ad-hoc summit following the agreement on integrating the GPAI and OECD AI expert community. Several meetings, including the GPAI Ministerial Council and Executive Council, were held at the summit. The Global IndiaAI Summit 2024, hosted by the Indian government, was also held in conjunction with the summit and had multiple panels on key issues in AI with some invited experts.

    On the occasion of GPAI meetings, including the Ministerial Council, Secretary General Harayama introduced the establishment of the GPAI Tokyo Expert Support Center (Tokyo ESC) at NICT. She expressed her gratitude for the support of the relevant countries in establishing the center and requested further cooperation from the two preceding ESCs, one in Paris (Inria) and the other in Montreal (CEIMIA). GPAI officials from each country welcomed the establishment of the Tokyo ESC, saying "We are convinced that the establishment of the Tokyo ESC leads to developing the new role of the GPAI." (*)

    In addition to the official meetings, there were some informal sessions at the summit. The Tokyo ESC, as a newcomer, shared information with the two other ESCs, and had a dialog with representatives from Serbia, the incoming chair in 2025, to discuss the future cooperation for the GPAI Summit in Serbia.

    (*) At the GPAI Ministerial Council, it was decided to commit to maintaining and strengthening the character of the GPAI Multistakeholders and to enhancing cooperation between GPAI members and experts. This would be achieved through the active role of the GPAI ESCs, and by integrating the GPAI Multistakeholder Experts Group (MEG) and the OECD ONE AI expert network and their existing expert/working groups into a single expert partnership community.

    Opening Ceremony

    Opening Ceremony

    SG's remarks at the Executive Council

    SG's remarks at the Executive Council