Exchange of views on future cooperation with Japan AISI
On July 26, Dr. HARAYAMA Yuko, Secretary General of the GPAI Tokyo Expert Support Center (Tokyo ESC) visited Ms. MURAKAMI Akiko, Executive Director of the Japan AI Safety Institute (AISI) to report on establishment of the Tokyo ESC and exchange views on future cooperation between the two organizations regarding efforts for AI safety.
While AISI, established in February this year, has received government support for AI safety assessment and started international collaboration with other AISIs, the Tokyo ESC, set up in July this year, is scheduled to support the SAFE project aimed at ensuring AI safety from a global perspective.
Both agreed to deepen cooperation to enhance AI safety, by leveraging their respective strengths, on furthering dialogue on technical and policy issues surrounding AI, as well as analyzing trends in international AI discussion.
Executive Director Murakami, AISI
Secretary General Harayama, Tokyo ESC