Family name: First name: Title: Date of birth: Place of birth: Nationality: |
Satoh Shinsuke Dr. 3 May, 1964 Sapporo, Hokkaido Japanese |
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Current Affiliation and address: |
Previous Affiliation and address (before Aug 31, 2004): |
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) Applied Research and Standards Department, Precipitation Radar Group 4-2-1, Nukui-kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795 Japan Phone: 042-327-6812 Fax: 042-327-6666 ![]() |
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Office of Space Applications, GPM/DPR Project Team 2-1-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8505, Japan Phone: 029-868-4020 Fax: 029-868-5975 E-mail: Job title: Associate Senior Engineer |
March,1988: received the B. degree in Physics from Hokkaido Univ, Japan. March,1990: received the in Geophysics from Hokkaido Univ, Japan. March,1994: received the in Geophysics from Hokkaido Univ, Japan. |
Membership of academic societies:
Japan Meteorological Society American Meteorological Society |
Experience: |
April,1990 - March,1994:
Graduate school student in the Inst. of Low Temp. Sci. (ILTS), Hokkaido Univ.
- Development of multiple Doppler radar data analysis technique - Doppler radar observation and data analysis of various snowfalls/rainfalls - Studies on linear snow bands with cold air outbreaks - Studies on the coastal snow band in the western Hokkaido - Studies on a snow band formed on the lee side of a mountain - Title of thesis: "Structure of Convective Cloud Bands Transverse to the Winter Monsoon over the Japan Sea" |
April,1993 - March,1995:
JSPS Fellowships for Japanese Junior Scientists in ILTS, Hokkaido Univ.
- Dual Doppler radar observation and data analysis of several rainfall systems in Manus Island, PNG during TOGA-COARE IOP - Thermodynamic and microphysical retrieval of mesoscale convective system structure |
April,1995 - August,1998 :
Communications Research Laboratory (CRL),
Microwave Remote Sensing Section, Global Environment Division, Researcher
- Observation and data analysis with CRL airborne multiparameter radar (CAMPR) - Development of CAMPR-D (CAMPR with dual-beam antennas) - Development of TRMM PR data analysis system (operational system at CRL) - Observation with CRL airborne 95GHz cloud radar (SPIDER) - Observation with CRL wind profiler (L-band WPR) - Retrieval method to investigate the latent heating structure of cloud systems using TRMM products (as a NASDA's TRMM PI) |
September,1998 - August,2000:
School of Meteorology, Univ. of Oklahoma, Visiting Research Scientist
- Studies on Bistatic Doppler Radar Network - Data analysis with OU's mobile radar (DOW: Doppler on Wheels) - Design work of CRL Okinawa Bistatic Radar (COBRA) |
September,2000 - August,2002:
Communications Research Laboratory (CRL),
Precipitation Radar Group, Senior Researcher
- Observation and data analysis with CAMPR-D - Development of CRL Okinawa Bistatic polarimetric Radar (COBRA) - Development of Latent heating algorithm using TRMM PR data (TRMM PI) |
September,2002 - August,2004:
NASDA/EORC(Sep02-Sep03) & JAXA/GPMDPR project team(Oct03-Aug04),
Associate Senior Engineer (on loan)
- Development Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) installed on the GPM core satellite |
September,2004 - :
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT),
Precipitation Radar Group, Senior Researcher
- Development Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) - Data analysis of CRL Okinawa Bistatic polarimetric Radar (COBRA) - Development of precipitation retrieval algorithm over land using Microwave Radiometer (CREST-GSMaP) - Improvement of the TRMM/PR Latent heating algorithm (PRH algorithm) |