During the XXth IUGG Conference in Vienna (August, 1991), the IRIS steering
committee was held. It is decided to propose to CSTG that Dr. Taizoh Yoshino
of CRL follows Prof. James Campbell as the president of subcommission IRIS for
the next four year term.
The TDC News is published biannually. To begin or discontinue the receipt of
the TDC News, please send a message to the following address. Comments,
questions and/or suggestions can be also sent to the following address.
Taizoh Yoshino
IERS VLBI Technical Development Center
Communications Research Laboratory
Nukui-kitamachi 4-2-1
Koganei, 184 Tokyo
(FAX) +81-423-21-9899
(Internet) yosh(AT)frex.cc.nict.go.jp
Original issue was published in October, 1991.
(Reproduced in June, 1998)