The scope of ICSOS covers technologies, procedures and algorithms that relate to free-space optical systems, with an emphasis on laser communications. The domain of the applications includes terrestrial, near-Earth and deep space (planetary). Areas of interest include components, subsystems, systems (flight and ground), devices, applications, laboratory and field demonstrations, algorithms, link models, signaling techniques and concept of operations. Submitted papers will be reviewed and selected to be presented at the Conference. Original papers are solicited on, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- present and future laser communication systems and scenarios
- laser communications technology for next generation applications
- space-based and terrestrial-based optical systems
- novel optical systems for laser beam
- small satellite systems for laser communications
- space lidar systems
- imaging systems
- novel optical devices for space-based applications
- optoelectronic subsystems and components
- laboratory demonstration hardware
- atmospheric propagation, transmission effects, and compensation techniques
- modulation formats for space-based systems
- trade-offs between optical and microwave (RF) systems
- new mm-wave/THz communication devices and systems
- quantum optical communication and cryptography
- policy and legal aspects
- interoperability
- standardization