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Curriculum vitae
(Dec 1, 2004)
(Oct 20, 2004)
COBRA: CRL Okinawa Bistatic polarimetric Radar
(May 28, 2002)
Software: (1)version up of swp2ga,
(2)EL angles for optimizing volume scan
(June 13, 2000)
TRMM: Orbits over Oklahoma in April, May, June 1999
(Nov 2, 1999)
Publication of the swp2ga program
(Sep 20, 1999)
Japanese restaurants and groceries in Oklahoma City
(Sep 09, 1999)
3D radar echo images
(Aug 19, 1999)
Curriculum vitae
About me
(Aug 18, 1999)
Presentation at the 29th Radar Conf.
(Aug 09,1999)