Author Instruction
1. Submission of Manuscript
Total number of pages must not exceed 8. It must contain Title of Paper, Name of Author / Co-Author(s), Affiliation, all authors' Mailing Address and E-mail Address. Only one paper is acceptable except for the invited speakers.
Only PDF file format is acceptable for the submission. File size must be less than 10MB.
Detailed instructions are available in 'style guide for manuscripts' below. All manuscripts must be written in English.
Deadline of submission is December 15, 2008. Please send the file by e-mail to:
Style guide for manuscripts
You also need to submit ‘Copyright Transfer Agreement for ICSOS2009.' After signing and dating the Agreement, please transfer to PDF file and fax it to the Secretariat: +81 3 6277 0118
Agreement of copyright transfer
2. Presentation
Presentation Time
Invited speaker: 30 min.(Speech: 25min., Q&A: 5 min.)
Usual Speaker: 20 min.(Speech:15min., Q&A: 5 min.)
3.Poster Session
Area available for poster: 1800 x 990mm
Number of posters: Not limited (But B1 size is recommended) Poster session with presentation: 15:50-17:00 on February 4
Exhibition time: 15:50-17:00 on February 4 and 8:30-12:20 on February 5
Posting: 11:50 to 15:50 on February 4
Removing: 12:20 to 15:00 on February 5 |