2021/3 | The last state of the Kashima 34m was recorded by Photographer HIRANOTAKASHI [https://hiranotakashi.com/] | |
2021/1 | IVS NICT-TDC News No.39 was published. | |
2020/10/3 | Closing Ceremony of Kashima 34 m VLBI station was had on October 3, 2020. Video record of the ceremony is available from YouTube. | |
2020/8/19 | No. 18 IVS technology development center symposium was held on October 1, 2020. | |
2020/3/23 | To avoid spreading of the COVID-19 desease, we decided to postponment of 18th IVS NICT Technology Development Center Symposium . Postponed date of next symposium is not determined. We will make announcement of call for patricipation when this disease is settled down.
Thank you for your understanding. |
2020/1/31 | We hold No. 18 IVS technology development center symposium on Friday, April 24, 2020. | |
2019/4/26 | We hold No. 17 IVS technology development center symposium on Thursday, June 27, 2019. | |
2017/4/26 | We hold No. 16 IVS technology development center symposium on Thursday, June 21, 2017. | |
2016/4/20 | We hold No. 15 IVS technology development center symposium on Thursday, June 30, 2016. | ![]() |
2015/6/10 | VLBI news No. 136 was issued. | |
2015/6/5 | VLBI news No. 135 was issued. | |
2015/4/22 | We hold No. 14 IVS technology development center symposium on Thursday, June 25, 2015. | |
2015/2/18 | VLBI news No. 134 was issued. | |
2015/2/17 | VLBI news No. 133 was issued. | |
2014/12/7 | VLBI news No. 132 was issued. | |
2014/6/13 | VLBI news No. 131 was issued. | |
2014/5/31 | VLBI news No. 130 was issued. | |
2014/4/30 | We hold No. 13 IVS technology development center symposium on Wednesday, June 4, 2014. | |
2014/1/20 | VLBI news No. 129 was issued. | |
2013/9/30 | IVS NICT-TDC News No.33 was issued.(PDF:3.8MB,English) | 2013/05/17 | 34m Antenna Annual Report 2010&2011 was issued. (PDF:11.5MB, Japanese) |
2013/4/23 | We hold No. 12 IVS technology development center symposium on Thursday, June 6, 2013. | |
2013/4/20 | VLBI news No. 128 was issued. | |
2012/2/2 | We hold No. 11 IVS technology development center symposium on Thursday, February 23, 2012. | |
2011/2/2 | We hold No. 10 IVS technology development center symposium on Wednesday, February 23, 2011. | |
2010/10/01 | IVS NICT TDC News No.31 was issued. (Web version (PDF:6.1MB)) | 2010/07/07 | NICT facilities was open to the public at Koganei Headquarters : July 23-24 at KSRC : July 31 |
2010/02/22 | 34m Antenna Annual Report 2009 was issued. (PDF:5.5MB, Japanese) | |
2010/02/04 | We hosted the 9th IVS TDC Symposium (12 March, 2010). | |
2010/02/07`14 | We gave some presentations at 6th IVS General Meeting. | |
2010/01/27 | We started the Kashima Ray-tracing Service (KARATS). | |
2009/10/06 | IVS NICT TDC News No.30 was issued. (Web version (PDF:1.2MB)) | |
2009/08/31`09/04 | We gave some presentations at IAG2009 Scientific Assembly. | |
2009/08/03`14 | We gave some presentations at IAU XXVII General Assembly. | |
2009/08/01 | NICT facilities will be open to the public at KSRC. | |
2009/07/24`25 | NICT facilities will be open to the public at Koganei Headquarters. | |
2009/05/16`21 | We gave some presentations at Japan Geoscience Union meeting 2009. | |
2009/04/19`24 | We gave some presentations at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009. | |
2009/02/19 | We hosted the 8th IVS TDC Symposium (18 February, 2009). | |
2009/01/16 | We demonstrated the Synthetic Astronomical Observation by e-VLBI at the opening event for the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA 2009) in Paris 15-16 January | |
2008/12/23`25 | We gave some presentations at V-con Symposium 2008. | |
2008/12/15`19 | We gave some presentations at AGU 2008 Fall Meeting. | |
2008/11/15`21 | We gave a demonstration of e-VLBI at Super Computing 2008. | |
2008/11/11`14 | We gave some presentations at International Symposium on GPS/GNSS 2008. | |
2008/10/30`11/01 | We gave some presentations at ATF 2008. | |
2008/10/27 | IVS NICT TDC News No.29 was issued. (Web version (PDF:4912KB)) | |
2008/10/22`24 | We gave some presentations at 110th Meeting of the GSJ. | |
2008/09/30`10/04 | We exhibited in NICT Super Event 2008. | |
2008/09/02`05 | We gave some presentations at 69th Autumn Meeting of JSPS 2008. | |
2008/07/01 | Space-Time Measurement Project that Space-Time Applications Project (Kashima) and part of Time and Frequency@Measurement Project had integrated started. | |