- K. Suzuki, S. Miki, Z.
Wang, Y. Kobayashi, S. Shiki, M. Ohkubo, gSuperconducting NbN thin-film
nanowire detectors for time-of-flight mass spectrometryh, 12th International
Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-12)
- A. Kawakami, Z. Wang,
gFabrication of epitaxial NbN-SIS junctions on the SiO2 substrateh,
8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS)
- H. Shimakage, Z. Wang,
gMicrowave Irradiation Characteristics of MgB2 SIS junctionsh, 8th
European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS)
- T. Ishida, M. Nishikawa,
Y. Fujita, K. Satoh, T. Yotsuya, H. Shimakage, S. Miki, Z. Wang, S. Okayasu,
M. Katagiri, M. Machida, M. Kato, gSuperconducting Neutron Detectors by Using
High-Quality MgB2 Filmsh, 8th European Conference on Applied
Superconductivity (EUCAS)
- M. Takeda, W. Shan, Y.
Uzawa, J. Li, S. C. Shi, Z. Wang, gLow-noise waveguide mixers using
NbN/AlN/NbN junctions on MgO substrates for ALMA band 10h, 8th European
Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS)
- H. Terai, S. Shinada, N.
Wada. Z. Wang, T. Miyazaki, gOptical interfaces based on InGaAs
metal-semiconductor-metal photodiode for signal inputs to single-flux-quantum
digital systemsh, 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS)
- S. Miki, A. Kawakami, S.
Saito, M. Fujiwara, M. Sasaki, Z. Wang, gEpitaxial NbN/MgO/NbN optical cavity
for superconducting nanowire single photon detectorh, 8th European Conference
on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS)
- Z. Wang, M. Takeda, H.
Terai, Y. Uzawa, gInterface properties of NbN/AlN/NbN tunnel junctions
fabricated by reactive dc-magnetron sputteringh, 8th European Conference on
Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS)
- M. Fujiwara, M. Sasaki,
S. Miki, Z. Wang, gPerformance of NbN superconducting single photon detectors
for quantum communicationsh, SPIE Optics East
- S. Miki, M. Fujiwara, M.
Sasaki, Z. Wang, gFabrication of NbN nanowire single photon detectors for
quantum communicationsh, SPIE Optics East
- Z. Wang, S. Miki, M.
Fujiwara, M. Sasaki, gSuperconducting Single Photon Detectors and its
Applications to Quantum Cryptographyh, Updating Quantum Cryptography 2007
- Z. Wang, S. Miki, M.
Fujiwara, M. Sasaki, S. W. Nam, B. Baek, gNbN Superconducting Single Photon
Detectors for Quantum Communicationsh, The Third CREST Nono-Virtual-Labs Joint
Workshop on Superconductivity 2007-Superconducting Sensors-(NVLS2007-SS)
- K. Suzuki, S. Miki, S.
Shiki, Y. Kobayashi, K. Chiba, Z. Wang, M. Ohkubo, gUltrafast ion detection by
superconducting NbN thin-film nanowire detectors for time-of-flight mass
spectrometryh, 20th international Symposium on Superconductivity(ISS2007)
- S. Takeuchi, M. Osaka, H.
Kinouchi, S. Ono, A. Saito, A. Akasegawa, T. Nakanishi, A. Kawakami, K.
Yamanaka, K. Kurihara, S. Hirano, S. Ohshima, gPower handling capability
improvement of hts filter with slotted microstripline resonatorsh, 20th
International Symposium on Superconductivity(ISS2007)
- Z. Wang, S. Miki, M.
Fujiwara, M. Sasaki, S. W. Nam, B. Baek, A. Miller, gNbN superconducting
single photon detectors for quantum communicationsh, 20th International
Symposium on Superconductivity(ISS2007)
- T. Kato, K. Someya, A.
Nawa, H. Tominaga, T. Yoshida, C. Mouri, Y. Irie, K. Hamasaki, H. Shimakage,
gSelf-planarized Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox intrinsic
Josephson junctions fabricated by acid-treated processh, 20th International
Symposium on Superconductivity(ISS2007)
- H. Shimakage, M. Tatsumi,
Z. Wang, gCharacteristic of MgB2 thin film deposited by
co-evaporation and sputteringh, 20th International Symposium on
- M. Tatsumi, H. Shimakage,
Z. Wang, N. Kaya, gFabrication of MgB2 films for single photon
detectorh, 20th International Symposium on Superconductivity(ISS2007)
- Y. Fujita, M. Nishikawa,
K. Satoh, T. Yotsuya, H. Shimakage, S. Miki, Z. Wang, M. Machida, M. Katoh, T.
Ishida, gNon-equilibrium response of a meandered MgB2 sensor by the
irradiation of a pulsed laserh, 20th International Symposium on
- S. Okayasu, M. Katagiri,
K. Hojou, Y. Morii, S. Miki, H. Shimakage, Z. Wang, T. Ishida, ga-ray detector
with a MgB2 transition edge sensorh, 20th International Symposium
on Superconductivity(ISS2007)
- S. Sinada, H. Terai, N.
Wada, Z. Wang, T. Miyazaki, gCharacterization of Metal/Semiconductor/Metal
Photo Diode for Optical Interface of Single-Flux-Quantum Circuith, OECC/IOOC
- H. Shimakage, gMgB2
thin films and Josephson junctionsh, the 13th JAPAN-US Workshop on Advanced
- J. Li, M. Takeda, Z. Wang, S. C. Shi, "Development of an All-NbN
Waveguide SIS Mixer for 0.5 THz", 8th Workshop on Submillimeter-wave
Receiver Technologies in Eastern Asia
- M. Kroug, A. Endo, T. Tamura, Y. Kiuchi, T. Noguchi, Y. Uzawa, M. Takeda,
Z. Wang, S. Wenlei, "SIS Mixer Fabrication for ALMA Band 10", 8th
Workshop on Submillimeter-wave Receiver Technologies in Eastern Asia
- T. Kojima, M. Kroug, Y. Fujii, K. Kaneko, S. Shitov, M. Candotti, Y. Uzawa,
K. Inaoka, H. Ogawa, W.-L. Shan, S. C. Shi, M. Takeda, Z. Wang, M. J. Wang,
M. T. Chen, "Preliminary design of the ALMA band 10 cartridge",
8th Workshop on Submillimeter-wave Receiver Technologies in Eastern Asia
- M. Takeda, W. L. Shan, T. Kojima, Y. Uzawa, Y. Fujii, M. Kroug, J. Li, S.
C. Shi, Z. Wang, "Development of SIS mixers using NbN techniques for
ALMA Band 10", 8th Workshop on Submillimeter-wave Receiver Technologies
in Eastern Asia
- Y. Hashimoto, S. Nagasawa, T. Satoh, K. Hinode, H. Suzuki, T. Miyazaki, M.
Hidaka, N. Yoshikawa, H. Terai, A Fujimaki, "Superconductive
Single-Flux-Quantum Circuits/System Technology and 40Gb/s Switch System
Demonstration", International Solid-State Circuits Conference(ISSCC)
- A. Tanaka, M. Fujiwara, S. W. Nam, Y. Nambu, S. Takahashi, W. Maeda, K.
Yoshino, S. Miki, B. Baek, Z. Wang, A. Tajima, A. Tomita, M. Sasaki,
"97-km QKD field trial using PLC-based one-way interferometers, SSPDs
and WDM synchronization", The Optical Fiber Communication Conference
and Exposition(OFC2008)
- T. Ishida, M. Nishikawa, Y. Fujita, K. Arai, S. Okayasu, M. Katagiri, Y.
Morii, K. Houjo, N. Niimura, K. Satoh, T. Yotsuya, H. Shimakage, Z. Wang, S.
Miki, M. Machida, M. Kato, "Superconducting Neutron Detector as the
Fastest for the Use of High-Intensity Neutron Sources", International
Symposium on Pulsed Neutron and Muon Sciences