◆ 2004年度 研究論文


  1. 川上 彰 , 鵜澤 佳徳 , 王 鎮 , 「窒化ニオブによるサブミリ波受信器の開発」 電子情報通信学会和文論文誌C, Vol.J87-C,No.7,pp.549-556,2004

  2.  H. Abe, M. Naito, W. -J. Moon, K. Kaneko, A. Saito, Z. Wang, “Interface structures of AlN/MgB2 thin films sputtered on sapphire c-and r-plane”, J. Appl. Phy. ,Vol.96, No.4, pp.2343- 2346, 2004

  3.  H.Shimakage, A.Saito, A.Kawakami, Z.Wang, “Fabrication condition dependence of as-grown MgB2 thin films by co-evaporation method”, Physica C, Vol.408-410, pp.891-893, 2004

  4. P. Vasek, H. Shimakage, Z. Wang, “Transverse voltage in zero external magnetic fields, its scaling and violation of the time-reversal symmetry in MgB2”, Physica C, Vol.411, pp.164-169, 2004

  5. A. Saito, H. Shimakage, A. Kawakami, Z. Wang, S. Kuroda, H. Abe, M. Naito, W. J. Moon, K. Kaneko, M .Mukaida, S. Ohshima, “XRD and TEM studies of as-grown MgB2 thin films deposited on r-and c-plane sapphire substrates”, Physica C, Vol.412-414, pp.1366-1370 , 2004

  6. S. Miki, K. Takahashi, D. Fujiwara, H. Shimakage, K. Sato, T. Yotsuya, K. Moriwaki, H. Fukuda, A. Saito, Z. Wang, T. Ishida, “Superconducting dc characteristics of meander lines made by 10B enriched MgB2 thin films”, Physica C, Vol.412-414, pp.1387-1390, 2004

  7.  A. Kawakami, Y. Uzawa, Z. Wang, “Frequency dependence of penetration depth for epitaxial NbN thin films at 0.1-1.1 THz”, Physica C, Vol.412-414, pp.1455-1458, 2004

  8. H. Ishida, A. Kawakami, Z. Wang, K. Hamasaki, “Relationship between 1/f noise parameter and Andreev reflection probability of epitaxial NbN/AlN or MgO/NbN tunnel junctions, Physica C, Vol.412-414, pp.1459-1462, 2004

  9.  K. Okanoue, H. Ishida, K. Hamasaki, A. Kawakami, Z. Wang, “Photon-assisted multiple-Abdreev reflections in high-Jc NbN/AlN/NbN tunnel junctions”, Physica C, Vol.412-414, pp.1463-1467, 2004

  10.  K. Takahasi, S. Miki, K. Satoh, K. Moriwaki, K. Fukuda, T. Yotsuya, H. Shimakage, Z. Wang, S. Okayasu, M. Katagiri, Y. Morii, K. Hojou, N. Niimura, T. shida, “Neutron detector by using a metallic high-Tc Superconductor MgB2”, Physica C, Vol.412-414, pp.1597-1601, 2004

  11. A. Saito, H. Shimakage, A. Kawakami, Z. Wang, M. Mukaida, S. Ohsima, “Preparation and properties of MgB2/AlN/MgB2 multi-layers for Josephson tunnel junctions”, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol.29, pp.1327-1330, 2004

  12. H. Shimakage, K. Tsujimoto, Z. Wang, M. Tonouti, “Characteristics of MgB2/AlN/NbN Josephson junctions with optimized conditions”, Supercond. Sci. Technol.,Vol.17, pp.1376-1380, 2004

  13. 石田 武和 , 王 鎮 , 四谷 任 , 町田 昌彦 , 「金属系高温超伝導物質MgB2のエレクトロニクス応用−トンネル接合と熱緩和型パルス応答素子への展開に向けて−」, 個体物理, Vol.40 , No.1, pp51-67, 2005

  14. H. Shimakage, K. Tsujimoto, Z. Wang, “All-MgB2 tunnel junctions with aluminum nitride barriers”, Appl.Phys.Lett.,Vol.86, 072512, 2005

  15. Y. Uzawa, M. Takeda, A. Kawakami, Z. Wang, S. Noguchi, "Design consideration for a two-distributed-junction tuning circuit", International of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol.26, pp.41-54, 2005

  16. .Y. Kameda, S. Yorozu, Y. Hashimoto, H. Terai, A. Fujimaki, N. Yoshikawa, "High-speed demonstration of single-flux-quantum cross-bar switch up to 50 GHz", IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Vol.15, pp.6-10,2005

国立研究開発法人 情報通信研究機構 未来ICT研究所
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