
Member's photograph Akira Otomo
The Final Academic 1995 : Ph. D. University of Central Florida
Date of Birth 21 January 1962
Self Promotion Keep challenging with the pioneer spirit and originality.
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Field of Research

Nanophotonics、Nonlinear optics

Research Interests

Realization of new functions and enhanced performance of nanoscale devices through nanoscale control of structure and interaction of organic molecules, quantum dots, metallic nanostructure, etc., towards development of electronic and photonic hybrid devices.


1984-1987 Central Research Laboratory, Showa Denko K.K. : Researcher
1987-1988 Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo :
Visiting Researcher
1988-1990 Central Research Laboratory, Showa Denko K.K. : Researcher
1990-1992 University of Central Florida , Laser Optical laboratory : Visiting Researcher
1992-1996 University of Central Florida , Laser Optical laboratory : Doctor's course Researcher
2008.4-2014.3 Department of Physical Electronics Graduate School of Science Tokyo Institute of Technology : Visiting Professor (Additional post)
1996- Director, Nano-scale Functional Assembly ICT Laboratory, Kobe Frontier Research Center (NICT)

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