
Ⅰ Research Articles

  1. Mizuno J, Ueda Y, de Brecht M, Hagura N, Saiki J. Contextual History Guides Spatial Attention During Search. PsyArXiv. 2024
  2. Ishibashi R, Humphreys G, Halai A, Tanabe-Ishibashi A, Hagura N, Lambon Ralph MA. Distributed and convergent representations of tools in human parietal and anterior temporal regions revealed by fMRI-RSA. bioRxiv. 2024
  3. Watanabe Y, Ban H, Hagura N, Ikegaya Y. Intestelligence: A pharmacological neural network using intestine data. f1000Research. 2024
  4. Ogasa K, Yokoi A, Okazawa G, Nishigaki M, Hirashima M, Hagura N*. Decision uncertainty as a context for motor memory. Nature Human Behaviour. 8, 1738–1751, 2024.
  5. - Featured as Spotlight paper in Trends in Cognitive Sciences

  6. Onagawa R, Muraoka Y, Hagura N, Takemi M. Neurofeedback training for improving motor performance in healthy adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis NeuroImage 270:120000. 2023
  7. Hagura N*, Esmaily J, Bahrami B. Does decision confidence reflect effort? PLoS One, 18: e0278617. 2023
  8. De Havas J*, Haggard P, Gomi H, Bestmann S, Ikegaya Y, Hagura N*. Evidence that endpoint feedback facilitates intermanual transfer of visuomotor force learning by a cognitive strategy. Journal of Neurophysiology. 127: 16-26. 2022
  9. Cataldo A#, Hagura N#, Hyder Y, Haggard P*. Touch inhibits touch: sanshool-induced paradoxical tingling reveals perceptual interaction between somatosensory submodalities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B; Biological Sciences. 288:20202914. 2021 (#: equal contribution)
  10. Desantis A*, Haggard P, Ikegaya Y, Hagura N. Specificity of action selection modulates the perceived temporal order of action and sensory events. Experimental Brain Research. 236: 2157-2164. 2018
  11. Hagura N*, Haggard P, Diedrichsen J. Perceptual decisions are biased by the cost to act. eLife, pii: e18422. 2017
  12. - Featured as Spotlight paper in Trends in Cognitive Sciences

    - Evaluated as 'Very Good'in the Faculty Opinions.

  13. Kuroki S*, Hagura N*, Nishida S, Haggard P, Watanabe J. Sanshool on the fingertip interferes with vibration detection in a rapidly-adapting (RA) tactile channel. PloS One, 11: e0165842. 2016
  14. Funayama K, Hagura N, Ban H, Ikegaya Y*. Functional Organization of Flash-induced V1 Offline Reactivation. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36: 11727-11738. 2016
  15. Orgs G, Dovern A, Hagura N, Haggard P, Fink GR, Weiss PH*. Constructing visual perception of body movement with the motor cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 26: 440-449. 2015
  16. Nambu I, Hagura N, Hirose S, Wada Y, Kawato M, Naito E*. Decoding two different types of sequential finger movement from preparatory activity of higher-order motor regions: an fMRI multi-voxel pattern analysis. European Journal of Neuroscience, 42: 2851-2859. 2015
  17. Binetti N*, Hagura N, Fadipe C, Tomassini A, Walsh V, Bestmann S. Binding space and time through action. Proceedings of the Royal Society B; Biological Sciences. 282: 1805. 2015
  18. Honda T, Hagura N, Yoshioka T, Imamizu H*. Imposed visual feedback delay of an action changes mass perception based on the sensory prediction error. Frontiers in Psychology. 4:760. 2013
  19. Hagura N*, Barber H, Haggard P*. Food vibrations: Asian spice sets lips trembling. Proceedings of the Royal Society B; Biological Sciences. 280: 20131680. 2013.
  20. Verrel J, Hagura N, Lindenberger U, Haggard P. Effect of haptic feedback from self-touch on limb movement coordination. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39: 1775-1785. 2013
  21. Orgs G, Hagura N, Haggard P. Learning to like it: aesthetic perception of bodies, movements and choreographic structure. Conscious and Cognition. 22:603-612. 2013
  22. Hagura N*, Kanai R, Orgs G, Haggard P. Ready steady slow: action preparation slows the subjective passage of time. Proceedings of the Royal Society B; Biological Sciences. 279: 4399-4406. 2012
  23. Hagura N*, Hirose S, Matsumura M, Naito E. Am I seeing my hand? Visual appearance and knowledge of controllability both contribute to the visual capture of a person's own body. Proceedings of the Royal Society B; Biological Sciences. 279: 3476-3481.2012
  24. Naito E*, Matsumoto R, Hagura N, Oouchida Y, Tomimoto H, Hanakawa T. Importance of precentral motor regions in human kinesthesia: a single case study. Neurocase. 17:133-147. 2011
  25. Hirose S, Hagura N, Matsumura M, Naito E. Human rostral dorsal premotor cortex mediates graspability judgment of external objects by evaluating hand motor capability. Brain Research. 1313:134-42. 2010
  26. Hagura N, Oouchida Y, Aramaki Y, Okada T, Matsumura M, Sadato N, Naito E. Visuokinesthetic perception of hand movement is mediated by cerebro-cerebellar interaction between the left cerebellum and right parietal cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 19: 176-186. 2009
  27. Hagura N, Takei T, Hirose S, Aramaki Y, Matsumura M, Sadato N, Naito E. Activity in the posterior parietal cortex mediates visual dominance over kinesthesia. The Journal of Neuroscience. 27: 7047-7053. 2007
  28. - Evaluated as 'Very Good'in the Faculty Opinions.

  29. Takei T, Hashimoto T, Hagura N, Matsumura M, Naito E. Reduction of cortico-spinal excitability by transcranial magnetic stimulation at predictable timing. Japanese Journal of Physiology. 55:93-99. 2005

Ⅱ Reviews, Commentaries and Book Chapters

  1. Hagura N*. Decision-making integrates motor costs during ongoing action. Journal of Neurophysiology. 132: 1170-1171. 2024. (commentary on Canaveral et al. 2024)
  2. Hagura N*, Haggard P. Body representation and Neuroprosthetics. 169-188 In Kansaku K, Cohen LG, Birbaumer N. edited. Clinical Systems Neuroscience. Springer. 2015
  3. Manto M, Bower JM, Conforto AB, Delgado-García JM, da Guarda SN, Gerwig M, Habas C, Hagura N, Ivry RB, Mariën P, Molinari M, Naito E, Nowak DA, Oulad Ben Taib N, Pelisson D, Tesche CD, Tilikete C, Timmann D. Consensus paper: roles of the cerebellum in motor control--the diversity of ideas on cerebellar involvement in movement. Cerebellum. 11:457-487. 2012

Ⅴ Invited Seminar Talks

  1. Hagura N. Decision Uncertainty as a Context for Motor Memory. LMU-TODAI Collaboration Event, Crowd Cognition Group, Department of Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 2024
  2. Hagura N. Decision Uncertainty as a Context for Motor Memory. Cognitive Neuroscience Club, Karolinska Institut (Online) 2023
  3. Hagura N. Action modulating perceptual decisions. Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception (LPP) department seminar, Universite Paris Descartes 2017
  4. Hagura N. Sensing time through action. Psychology department seminar, Brunel University 2013
  5. Hagura N. Action Preparation, Preparation for Motor Output and Sensory Processing, COGS seminar, Sussex University 2012
  6. Hagura N. Action preparation; preparation for motor output and preparation for sensory processing Sensorimotor Seminar Series, Birmingham University, 2012

Ⅶ Oral presentations in International conferences and workshops

  1. Hagura N,. Decision uncertainty as a context for motor memory. In the Symposium "Regularity and (un)certainty: extracting implicit sensory information in perception and action" (Organized by: Shao-Min Hung and Hsin-I Iris Liao). The 16th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision 2024
  2. Hagura N, Ogasa K, Yokoi A, Okazawa G, Hirashima M. Decision uncertainty as a context for motor memory. 33rd Annual Meeting of Neural Control of Movement 2024
  3. Ogasa K, Yokoi A, Okazawa G, Hirashima M, Hagura N. Decision uncertainty as a context for motor memory. MLMC: Advances in Motor Learning & Motor control. 2021
  4. Hagura N. Perceptual Decision in Motor control. International Symposium:The Role of Pain in Bodily Defense and Autonomy 2020
  5. Hagura N, Aoyama K, Ban H, Yokoi A, Ikegaya Y, Maeda T, Ando H, Ferre ER. Multi-dimensional vestibular self-motion system in the human brain. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2018
  6. Hagura N. Impact of different time schedules on effort adaptation. The 2nd International Symposium on the Science of Mental Time 2017
  7. Hagura, N. Linking Perception and Action. Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Workshop. 2015
  8. Hagura N, Haggard P, Diedrichsen J. Action cost biases the perceptual decision making, only when the cost is implicit. Associations of Scientific Studies of Consciousness 2014
  9. Hagura N. Ready-Steady-Slow; Action preparation slows down subjective passage of time. In Symposium “Bidirectional Influence in action and perception” at Asia-Pacific Association for Sports Psychology, 2014
  10. Hagura N, Diedrichsen J, Haggard P. Action cost biases the perceptual decision making, only when the cost is implicit. Translational and Computational Motor Control 2013
  11. Hagura N. Action preparation and perception of time - modified sensory information by sensorimotor processing. Sense of Agency Workshop 2013
  12. Hagura N. Integrating visual and proprioceptive information in the human visual cortex. Cue Integration Symposium 2012
  13. Hagura N. Integration of visual and kinesthetic information in the human cerebellum. Annual Meeting of Organization of Human Brain Mapping. 2005
Copyright © Nobuhiro Hagura